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Four Ariyan Truths - by Ven Dhammavuddho Thero
Uploaded 28 April 2009 | Time: 01:58:11 | Views:4,339
Provided by: Deva

1 The importance of Four Ariyan Truth
2 Doing good (DANA)
3 Aviod evil (SILA)
4 Heaven
5 Danger, folly & depravity of sensual pleasure
6 Renunciation
7 1st Ariyan Truth: Dukkha
8 2nd Ariyan Truth: Cause of Dukkha
9 3rd Ariyan Truth: Cessation of Dukkha.
10 4th Ariyan Truth: The Way
11 1st Factor: Right View
12 2nd Factor: Right Thoughts
13 3rd Factor: Right Speech
14 4th Factor: Right Action
15 5th Factor: Right Livelihood
16 6th Factor: Right Effort
17 7th Factor :Right SATI
18 8th Factor: Right Concentration
19 (Q&A) How to walk the path...

1 The importance of Four Ariyan Truth

1 The importance of Four Ariyan Truth
2 Doing good (DANA)
3 Aviod evil (SILA)
4 Heaven
5 Danger, folly & depravity of sensual pleasure
6 Renunciation
7 1st Ariyan Truth: Dukkha
8 2nd Ariyan Truth: Cause of Dukkha
9 3rd Ariyan Truth: Cessation of Dukkha.
10 4th Ariyan Truth: The Way
11 1st Factor: Right View
12 2nd Factor: Right Thoughts
13 3rd Factor: Right Speech
14 4th Factor: Right Action
15 5th Factor: Right Livelihood
16 6th Factor: Right Effort
17 7th Factor :Right SATI
18 8th Factor: Right Concentration
19 (Q&A) How to walk the path...

2 Doing good (DANA)

1 The importance of Four Ariyan Truth
2 Doing good (DANA)
3 Aviod evil (SILA)
4 Heaven
5 Danger, folly & depravity of sensual pleasure
6 Renunciation
7 1st Ariyan Truth: Dukkha
8 2nd Ariyan Truth: Cause of Dukkha
9 3rd Ariyan Truth: Cessation of Dukkha.
10 4th Ariyan Truth: The Way
11 1st Factor: Right View
12 2nd Factor: Right Thoughts
13 3rd Factor: Right Speech
14 4th Factor: Right Action
15 5th Factor: Right Livelihood
16 6th Factor: Right Effort
17 7th Factor :Right SATI
18 8th Factor: Right Concentration
19 (Q&A) How to walk the path...

3 Aviod evil (SILA)

1 The importance of Four Ariyan Truth
2 Doing good (DANA)
3 Aviod evil (SILA)
4 Heaven
5 Danger, folly & depravity of sensual pleasure
6 Renunciation
7 1st Ariyan Truth: Dukkha
8 2nd Ariyan Truth: Cause of Dukkha
9 3rd Ariyan Truth: Cessation of Dukkha.
10 4th Ariyan Truth: The Way
11 1st Factor: Right View
12 2nd Factor: Right Thoughts
13 3rd Factor: Right Speech
14 4th Factor: Right Action
15 5th Factor: Right Livelihood
16 6th Factor: Right Effort
17 7th Factor :Right SATI
18 8th Factor: Right Concentration
19 (Q&A) How to walk the path...

4 Heaven

1 The importance of Four Ariyan Truth
2 Doing good (DANA)
3 Aviod evil (SILA)
4 Heaven
5 Danger, folly & depravity of sensual pleasure
6 Renunciation
7 1st Ariyan Truth: Dukkha
8 2nd Ariyan Truth: Cause of Dukkha
9 3rd Ariyan Truth: Cessation of Dukkha.
10 4th Ariyan Truth: The Way
11 1st Factor: Right View
12 2nd Factor: Right Thoughts
13 3rd Factor: Right Speech
14 4th Factor: Right Action
15 5th Factor: Right Livelihood
16 6th Factor: Right Effort
17 7th Factor :Right SATI
18 8th Factor: Right Concentration
19 (Q&A) How to walk the path...

5 Danger, folly & depravity of sensual pleasure

1 The importance of Four Ariyan Truth
2 Doing good (DANA)
3 Aviod evil (SILA)
4 Heaven
5 Danger, folly & depravity of sensual pleasure
6 Renunciation
7 1st Ariyan Truth: Dukkha
8 2nd Ariyan Truth: Cause of Dukkha
9 3rd Ariyan Truth: Cessation of Dukkha.
10 4th Ariyan Truth: The Way
11 1st Factor: Right View
12 2nd Factor: Right Thoughts
13 3rd Factor: Right Speech
14 4th Factor: Right Action
15 5th Factor: Right Livelihood
16 6th Factor: Right Effort
17 7th Factor :Right SATI
18 8th Factor: Right Concentration
19 (Q&A) How to walk the path...

6 Renunciation

1 The importance of Four Ariyan Truth
2 Doing good (DANA)
3 Aviod evil (SILA)
4 Heaven
5 Danger, folly & depravity of sensual pleasure
6 Renunciation
7 1st Ariyan Truth: Dukkha
8 2nd Ariyan Truth: Cause of Dukkha
9 3rd Ariyan Truth: Cessation of Dukkha.
10 4th Ariyan Truth: The Way
11 1st Factor: Right View
12 2nd Factor: Right Thoughts
13 3rd Factor: Right Speech
14 4th Factor: Right Action
15 5th Factor: Right Livelihood
16 6th Factor: Right Effort
17 7th Factor :Right SATI
18 8th Factor: Right Concentration
19 (Q&A) How to walk the path...

7 1st Ariyan Truth: Dukkha

1 The importance of Four Ariyan Truth
2 Doing good (DANA)
3 Aviod evil (SILA)
4 Heaven
5 Danger, folly & depravity of sensual pleasure
6 Renunciation
7 1st Ariyan Truth: Dukkha
8 2nd Ariyan Truth: Cause of Dukkha
9 3rd Ariyan Truth: Cessation of Dukkha.
10 4th Ariyan Truth: The Way
11 1st Factor: Right View
12 2nd Factor: Right Thoughts
13 3rd Factor: Right Speech
14 4th Factor: Right Action
15 5th Factor: Right Livelihood
16 6th Factor: Right Effort
17 7th Factor :Right SATI
18 8th Factor: Right Concentration
19 (Q&A) How to walk the path...

8 2nd Ariyan Truth: Cause of Dukkha

1 The importance of Four Ariyan Truth
2 Doing good (DANA)
3 Aviod evil (SILA)
4 Heaven
5 Danger, folly & depravity of sensual pleasure
6 Renunciation
7 1st Ariyan Truth: Dukkha
8 2nd Ariyan Truth: Cause of Dukkha
9 3rd Ariyan Truth: Cessation of Dukkha.
10 4th Ariyan Truth: The Way
11 1st Factor: Right View
12 2nd Factor: Right Thoughts
13 3rd Factor: Right Speech
14 4th Factor: Right Action
15 5th Factor: Right Livelihood
16 6th Factor: Right Effort
17 7th Factor :Right SATI
18 8th Factor: Right Concentration
19 (Q&A) How to walk the path...

9 3rd Ariyan Truth: Cessation of Dukkha

1 The importance of Four Ariyan Truth
2 Doing good (DANA)
3 Aviod evil (SILA)
4 Heaven
5 Danger, folly & depravity of sensual pleasure
6 Renunciation
7 1st Ariyan Truth: Dukkha
8 2nd Ariyan Truth: Cause of Dukkha
9 3rd Ariyan Truth: Cessation of Dukkha.
10 4th Ariyan Truth: The Way
11 1st Factor: Right View
12 2nd Factor: Right Thoughts
13 3rd Factor: Right Speech
14 4th Factor: Right Action
15 5th Factor: Right Livelihood
16 6th Factor: Right Effort
17 7th Factor :Right SATI
18 8th Factor: Right Concentration
19 (Q&A) How to walk the path...

10 4th Ariyan Truth: The Way

1 The importance of Four Ariyan Truth
2 Doing good (DANA)
3 Aviod evil (SILA)
4 Heaven
5 Danger, folly & depravity of sensual pleasure
6 Renunciation
7 1st Ariyan Truth: Dukkha
8 2nd Ariyan Truth: Cause of Dukkha
9 3rd Ariyan Truth: Cessation of Dukkha.
10 4th Ariyan Truth: The Way
11 1st Factor: Right View
12 2nd Factor: Right Thoughts
13 3rd Factor: Right Speech
14 4th Factor: Right Action
15 5th Factor: Right Livelihood
16 6th Factor: Right Effort
17 7th Factor :Right SATI
18 8th Factor: Right Concentration
19 (Q&A) How to walk the path...

11 1st Factor: Right View

1 The importance of Four Ariyan Truth
2 Doing good (DANA)
3 Aviod evil (SILA)
4 Heaven
5 Danger, folly & depravity of sensual pleasure
6 Renunciation
7 1st Ariyan Truth: Dukkha
8 2nd Ariyan Truth: Cause of Dukkha
9 3rd Ariyan Truth: Cessation of Dukkha.
10 4th Ariyan Truth: The Way
11 1st Factor: Right View
12 2nd Factor: Right Thoughts
13 3rd Factor: Right Speech
14 4th Factor: Right Action
15 5th Factor: Right Livelihood
16 6th Factor: Right Effort
17 7th Factor :Right SATI
18 8th Factor: Right Concentration
19 (Q&A) How to walk the path...

12 2nd Factor: Right Thoughts

1 The importance of Four Ariyan Truth
2 Doing good (DANA)
3 Aviod evil (SILA)
4 Heaven
5 Danger, folly & depravity of sensual pleasure
6 Renunciation
7 1st Ariyan Truth: Dukkha
8 2nd Ariyan Truth: Cause of Dukkha
9 3rd Ariyan Truth: Cessation of Dukkha.
10 4th Ariyan Truth: The Way
11 1st Factor: Right View
12 2nd Factor: Right Thoughts
13 3rd Factor: Right Speech
14 4th Factor: Right Action
15 5th Factor: Right Livelihood
16 6th Factor: Right Effort
17 7th Factor :Right SATI
18 8th Factor: Right Concentration
19 (Q&A) How to walk the path...

13 3rd Factor: Right Speech

1 The importance of Four Ariyan Truth
2 Doing good (DANA)
3 Aviod evil (SILA)
4 Heaven
5 Danger, folly & depravity of sensual pleasure
6 Renunciation
7 1st Ariyan Truth: Dukkha
8 2nd Ariyan Truth: Cause of Dukkha
9 3rd Ariyan Truth: Cessation of Dukkha.
10 4th Ariyan Truth: The Way
11 1st Factor: Right View
12 2nd Factor: Right Thoughts
13 3rd Factor: Right Speech
14 4th Factor: Right Action
15 5th Factor: Right Livelihood
16 6th Factor: Right Effort
17 7th Factor :Right SATI
18 8th Factor: Right Concentration
19 (Q&A) How to walk the path...

14 4th Factor: Right Action

1 The importance of Four Ariyan Truth
2 Doing good (DANA)
3 Aviod evil (SILA)
4 Heaven
5 Danger, folly & depravity of sensual pleasure
6 Renunciation
7 1st Ariyan Truth: Dukkha
8 2nd Ariyan Truth: Cause of Dukkha
9 3rd Ariyan Truth: Cessation of Dukkha.
10 4th Ariyan Truth: The Way
11 1st Factor: Right View
12 2nd Factor: Right Thoughts
13 3rd Factor: Right Speech
14 4th Factor: Right Action
15 5th Factor: Right Livelihood
16 6th Factor: Right Effort
17 7th Factor :Right SATI
18 8th Factor: Right Concentration
19 (Q&A) How to walk the path...

15 5th Factor: Right Livelihood

1 The importance of Four Ariyan Truth
2 Doing good (DANA)
3 Aviod evil (SILA)
4 Heaven
5 Danger, folly & depravity of sensual pleasure
6 Renunciation
7 1st Ariyan Truth: Dukkha
8 2nd Ariyan Truth: Cause of Dukkha
9 3rd Ariyan Truth: Cessation of Dukkha.
10 4th Ariyan Truth: The Way
11 1st Factor: Right View
12 2nd Factor: Right Thoughts
13 3rd Factor: Right Speech
14 4th Factor: Right Action
15 5th Factor: Right Livelihood
16 6th Factor: Right Effort
17 7th Factor :Right SATI
18 8th Factor: Right Concentration
19 (Q&A) How to walk the path...

16 6th Factor: Right Effort

1 The importance of Four Ariyan Truth
2 Doing good (DANA)
3 Aviod evil (SILA)
4 Heaven
5 Danger, folly & depravity of sensual pleasure
6 Renunciation
7 1st Ariyan Truth: Dukkha
8 2nd Ariyan Truth: Cause of Dukkha
9 3rd Ariyan Truth: Cessation of Dukkha.
10 4th Ariyan Truth: The Way
11 1st Factor: Right View
12 2nd Factor: Right Thoughts
13 3rd Factor: Right Speech
14 4th Factor: Right Action
15 5th Factor: Right Livelihood
16 6th Factor: Right Effort
17 7th Factor :Right SATI
18 8th Factor: Right Concentration
19 (Q&A) How to walk the path...

17 7th Factor :Right SATI

1 The importance of Four Ariyan Truth
2 Doing good (DANA)
3 Aviod evil (SILA)
4 Heaven
5 Danger, folly & depravity of sensual pleasure
6 Renunciation
7 1st Ariyan Truth: Dukkha
8 2nd Ariyan Truth: Cause of Dukkha
9 3rd Ariyan Truth: Cessation of Dukkha.
10 4th Ariyan Truth: The Way
11 1st Factor: Right View
12 2nd Factor: Right Thoughts
13 3rd Factor: Right Speech
14 4th Factor: Right Action
15 5th Factor: Right Livelihood
16 6th Factor: Right Effort
17 7th Factor :Right SATI
18 8th Factor: Right Concentration
19 (Q&A) How to walk the path...

18 8th Factor: Right Concentration

1 The importance of Four Ariyan Truth
2 Doing good (DANA)
3 Aviod evil (SILA)
4 Heaven
5 Danger, folly & depravity of sensual pleasure
6 Renunciation
7 1st Ariyan Truth: Dukkha
8 2nd Ariyan Truth: Cause of Dukkha
9 3rd Ariyan Truth: Cessation of Dukkha.
10 4th Ariyan Truth: The Way
11 1st Factor: Right View
12 2nd Factor: Right Thoughts
13 3rd Factor: Right Speech
14 4th Factor: Right Action
15 5th Factor: Right Livelihood
16 6th Factor: Right Effort
17 7th Factor :Right SATI
18 8th Factor: Right Concentration
19 (Q&A) How to walk the path...

19 (Q&A) How to walk the path...

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