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    Uploaded 10 Mar 2009
    Views: 3,512
Transforming Problems into Wisdom
Uploaded 10 March 2009 | Time: 01:18:32 | Views:3,512
Provided by: Bhikkhunī

By Ven Tenzin Palmo

Tenzin Palmo was born in London in 1943. She travelled to India when she was 20 where she met her teacher. In 1964, she was one of the first Western women to be ordained as a Tibetan Buddhist nun. After 12 years of study and doing frequent retreats during the long Himalayan winter months, she sought complete seclusion. She found a cave, where she stayed and practised for another 12 years. "Cave in the snow: A Western Woman's Quest for Enlightenment" is the remarkable story of her life.

Produced by Dharma Dream Productions with permission from Aloka Meditation Centre.


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