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akṣ (perhaps a kind of old Desid. of √1. aś), cl. 1. 5. akṣati, akṣṇoti (Pāṇ. 3-1, 75 ; fut. akṣiṣyati or akṣyati L. ; aor. ākṣīt, 3. du. ākṣiṣṭām or āṣṭām L. ; perf. ānakṣa [Pāṇ. 7-4, 60 Comm.], but Ā. p. [with the Vedic weak stem ākṣ, perf. āś-uḥ 3. pl. &c. fr. √1. aś] ākṣāṇá),
• to reach RV. x, 22, 11
• to pass through, penetrate, pervade, embrace L
• to accumulate (to from the cube?) L.: Caus. akṣayati, ācikṣat, to cause to pervade L.: Desid. acikṣi, ṣati or acikṣati L

Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William
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