Dictionary Definition :
Alaŋkāra [fr. alankaroti, cp. Vedic araṅkṛti] "getting up" i. e. fitting out, ornament, decoration; esp. trinkets, ornaments D iii.190; A iii.239; 263 sq.; J vi.368; PvA 23, 46, 70 ( -- ˚ adj. adorned with), 74; Sdhp 249.
Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
○kārá m. the act of decorating, R ii, 40, 13, (ifc. f. R. 18, 6) ornament, decoration ŚBr. TBr. &c. (in rhetoric) an ornament of the sense or the sound (cf. arthâl○ and śabdâl○)
• (ataṃkāra) -kārikā f. -kaustubha m. -candrika f. -cūḍāmaṇi m. mañjari, -mala, -muksâvalī, different works on rhetoric
• -vatī f. 'the decorated one', N. of the ninth Lambaka in the Kathāsaritsāgara,
Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William
alaṃkāraka , alaṃkaraṇa , alaṃkaraṇin , alaṃkariṣṇu , alaṃkarmiṇa , alaṃkammaniya , alaṃkāla , alaṃjuṣa , alaṃjīvika , alaṃgāmin