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Dictionary Definition :

ālaya : [m.] 1. abode; roosting place; 2. desire; attachment; 3. pretence.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

Ālaya (m. & nt.) [cp. Sk. ālaya, ā + , līyate, cp. allīna & allīyati, also nirālaya] -- 1. orig. roosting place, perch, i. e. abode settling place, house J i.10 (geh˚); Miln 213; DhA ii.162 (an˚ = anoka), 170 (= oka). -- 2. "hanging on", attachment, desire, clinging, lust S i.136 = Vin i.4 (˚rāma "devoted to the things to which it clings" K. S.); Vin iii.20, 111; S iv.372 (an˚); v.421 sq. (id.); A ii. 34, 131 (˚rāma); iii.35; It 88; Sn 177 (kām˚ = kāmesu taṇhā -- diṭṭhi -- vasena duvidho ālayo SnA 216), 535 (+ āsavāni), 635; Nett 121, 123 (˚samugghāta); Vism 293 (id.), 497; Miln 203 (Buddh ˚ŋ akāsi?); DhA i.121; iv.186 (= taṇhā); SnA 468 (= anoka of Sn 366). -- 3. pretence, pretext, feint [cp. BSk. ālaya M Vastu iii.314] J i.157 (gilān˚), 438; iii.533 (mat˚); iv.37 (gabbhinī); vi 20, 262 (gilān˚).

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

ālaya: m.n. 附著(音譯:阿賴耶)

巴漢辭典 編者:(斗六) 廖文燦

ālaya — ālaya  阿賴耶
An abbreviation of ālaya-vijñāna. ālaya is a sort of eternal substance or matter, creative and containing all forms; when considered as a whole, it is non-existent, or contains nothing; when considered phenomenal, it fills the universe. It seems to be of the nature of materialism. It is the store or totality of consciousness both absolute and relative. It is described as the fundamental mind-consciousness of conscious beings, which lays hold of all the experience of the individual life, and which stores and holds the germs of all affairs. It is the last of Eighth Consciousness from which them Wisdom of Great Round Mirror is derived.



[translation-san] {MV} sthāna

[translation-san] {MSA} vyavastha

[translation-san] {C,MV} pratisthā

[translation-san] {MV} sthā

[translation-san] {MSA} sthātṛ

[translation-san] {MV} sthānīya

[translation-san] {C} saṃtiṣṭhate

[translation-san] {C,MSA} sthita {C}(=vyavasthita)

[translation-san] {C,MV,L} sthiti

[translation-san] {C} avatiṣṭhate

[translation-san] {C} tiṣṭhantu

[translation-san] {C,MSA,MV} pratiṣṭhita {C}(=sthita)

[translation-san] {C} sthihate (=tiṣṭhati)

[translation-san] {C,MV} sthāna

[translation-san] {MV} adhiṣṭhāna

[translation-san] {ava √sthā} : {MSA}avatiṣṭhate

[translation-san] {MV} avasthā

[translation-san] {MSA} ātiṣṭhati

[translation-san] {MSA} vyavasthiti

[translation-san] {LCh,MSA,C} pada

[translation-san] padārtha{C}

[translation-san] padu{C}

[translation-san] niketa{C}

[translation-san] bhavati{C}

[translation-san] bhavana{C,MSA}

[translation-san] {C} bhuvana

[translation-san] {C,MSA} niśraya

[translation-san] {C} niśrita

[translation-san] {C,MSA,MV} āśraya

[translation-san] {C} āśrita

[translation-san] {MV} sanniśraya

[translation-san] {C} saṃniveśa

[translation-san] {MSA} saṃniviṣṭa

[translation-san] {C} vartate

[translation-san] {C} ādhāra

[translation-san] {C} adhyāvasati

[translation-san] {C} ālaya

[translation-san] {C} āśā

[translation-san] {MSA} anvaya

[translation-san] {MSA} āyatana

[translation-san] {MSA} vihāra

[translation-san] {MSA} (vi √hṛ): vihṛtya

[translation-san] {C} mehanatva

[translation-san] {C} layana

[translation-san] {C} lena (=layanam)

[translation-eng] {Hopkins} abide; dwell; source; state; situation; remain; last; stay; place; abode; topic; object; retention

[translation-eng] {C} abide in the world; home; at home; supported; settled; established; becomes; stands; takes place; occurs; comes about; realm; stately house; world (e.g.: sva-bhavana; his respective world); residence; male organ; place of rest; room; track; an entity which corresponds to; meaning of a word; what is meant by a word; footing; word; verse; trace; foot; verbal expression; support; refuge; who resides; supported; in dependence on; leans on; based on; inhabiting; dwell on in mind; establishment; established; stood firm; stand; standing; abiding; steadfast; established remains; continuous; stability; firm position; proceeds; becomes; remains; is definitely established; enter; settle; assemble; foundation; basis; inhabit; occupy; dearly love; locus; viewpoint; condition; subsistence; stand still; take one's stand; to hang on to; settling place; living in; hope

Jeffrey Hopkins' Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary

gnas pa

[translation-san] {C,MV,MSA} sthāna {C}(=vyavasthāna)

[translation-san] {C} pratisthā

[translation-san] {C} avasthita

[translation-san] {C} avatiṣṭate

[translation-san] {C} tiṣṭhati

[translation-san] {C} pratyupatiṣṭhati

[translation-san] {C} -stha

[translation-san] {MV} stha

[translation-san] {C} pratiṣṭhate

[translation-san] {C,MSA} pratiṣṭhāna

[translation-san] {C} saṃsthiti

[translation-san] {C,MSA} sthita

[translation-san] {C,MSA,MV} sthiti

[translation-san] {C} sthānatā (=vyavasthāna)

[translation-san] {MSA} pratypasthāyin

[translation-san] {C} sthitasya-anyathātva

[translation-san] {MSA} avasthatva

[translation-san] {C} āśraya

[translation-san] {MV,C} āśrita

[translation-san] {C} niśrita

[translation-san] {C} niśrayu

[translation-san] {C} ālaya

[translation-san] {C} ādhāra

[translation-san] {C} līna (=abhiniviṣṭa)

[translation-san] {C,MSA} vāsa

[translation-san] {C} saṃvasati (sārddhaṃ)

[translation-san] {C} saṃvāsa

[translation-san] {C} adhyāvasati

[translation-san] {C,MSA} vihāra {C}(=yoga)

[translation-san] {MSA} viharaṇa

[translation-san] {MSA} vihārin

[translation-san] {MSA} vihāritva

[translation-san] {C} saṃsarga

[translation-san] {C} vartate

[translation-san] {MSA} vṛtti

[translation-san] {MV} sanniveśa

[translation-san] {C} saṃniveśa

[translation-eng] {Hopkins} abide; dwell; source; state; situation; remain; last; stay; place; abode; topic; object; retention

[translation-eng] {C} stands still; take one's stand; establish; abide in; established; engaged in; abiding; to hang on to; settling place; stands; abides; stand up; firmly grounded in; have set out; firm grounding; firm foundation; to be supported; support; establishing oneself; set up; one who stands firm; one who stands on; establishment; what can be; (as is) stationed; standing place; a place to stand on; situation; standpoint; section; stand; station; conditon; subsistence; taking one's stand; place to rest on; supported; in dependence on; leans on; based on; inhabiting; dwell on in mind; slack; slouch; cowed; sluggishness; dwelling; residing; houses; become intimate with; become partial to; intimacy; close contact with; commerce with; proceeds; alteration of what is established; home; support (e.g.: na sthānaṃ vidyate, it is quite impossible; nedaṃ sthānaṃ vidyate, that is impossible; naitat sthānaṃ vidyate, that is impossible); {D2}abiding

Jeffrey Hopkins' Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary
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