brten pa
[translation-san] {C} niśraya
[translation-san] {C,MSA} niśrita
[translation-san] {MSA} niḥśrita
[translation-san] {L} niśritya
[translation-san] {MSA} saṃniśrita
[translation-san] {C,MSA} āśrita
[translation-san] {MSA} āśraya
[translation-san] {MSA} pratiṣṭhita
[translation-san] {C} bhajat (?)
[translation-san] {C} bhajati
[translation-san] {C} sevate
[translation-san] {MSA} saṃsevā
[translation-san] {MSA} sevā
[translation-san] {C} ādheya
[translation-san] {C} ālayo
[translation-san] {MSA} uṣita
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} supported; dependent; in the sense of
[translation-eng] {C} support; refuge; one who resides; in dependence on; leans on; based upon; inhabiting; dwelling on in the mind; loves; attends upon; tend; resort to; serve upon; placate; which are founded on it; reside; place to settle down in; supported by
brten par byed pa
[translation-san] {C} ālayo
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} make firm; stabilize; basis
[translation-eng] {C} a place to settle down in