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anājñātam-ājñāsyāmīndriya: The' I shall know what has not been known' faculty; the first of three outflow-free cognitive faculties which are: ājñātam-ājñāsyāmīndriya, ājñendriya and ājñātāvīndriya. These three faculties, in their essential nature, are constituted of manas, sukha, saumanasya, upekṣā, śraddhā, vīrya, smṛti, samādhi and prajñā. These nine are differentiated as the three distinctive faculties on account of the predominance that they exercise in the darśana-mārga, bhāvanā-mārga and aśaikṣa-mārga, respectively. The anājñātam-ājñāsyāmīndriyaexercises predominance with regard to the cessation of the darśana-heyadefilements. In the acquisition of the fruit of stream entry, it functions as the inductor (āvāhaka) of the visaṃyoga-prāpti, and constitutes the path of liberation.

Sarvastivada Abhidharma, Sanskrit-English Glossary, by Bhikkhu KL Dhammajoti
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