Dictionary Definition :
anuvāta : [m.] a forward or favourable wind.
A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]
Anuvāta1 [anu + vā to blow] a forward wind, the wind that blows from behind, a favourable wind; ˚ŋ adv. with the wind, in the direction of the wind (opp. paṭivātaŋ). A i.226 (˚paṭivātaŋ); Sdhp 425 (paṭivāta˚). In anuvāte (anu + vāte) at J ii.382 "with the wind, facing the w., in front of the wind" anu is to be taken as prep. c. loc. & to be separated from vāte (see anu A b.).
Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
Anuvāta2 [anu + vā to weave (?) in analogy to vāta from vā to blow] only in connection with the making of the bhikkhus' garments (cīvara) "weaving on, supplementary weaving, or along the seam", i. e. hem, seam, binding Vin i.254, 297; ii.177; iv.121 (aggala +); PvA 73 (anuvāte appabhonte since the binding was insufficient).
Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
anuvātaṃ , anuvāte , anuvatsara , anuvatsarīṇa , anuvatsarīya , anuvāsyavāsanīya , anuvāsya , anuvassika , anuvassaṃ , anuvāsita