Dictionary Definition :
anv-āhāryá m. a gift, consisting of food prepared with rice, presented to the Ṛitvij priest at the Darśapūrṇamāsa ceremonies TS. &c
• (am or akam), n. the monthly Śrāddha (q.v.) held on the day of new moon (according to Mn. iii, 123 it should be of meat eaten after the presentation of a Piṇḍa or ball of rice)
Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William
anvāhāryapacana , anvāhata , anvahaŋ , anvāhiṇḍati , anvāhiṇḍi , anvāharaṇa , anvāhāra , anvahaṃ , anvah , anvagū