Dictionary Definition :
anya 1
ánya (3), n. inexhaustibleness (as of the milk of cows) AV. xii, 1, 4 (cf. ányā.)
anya 2
anyá as, ā, at, other, different
• other than, different from, opposed to (abl. or in comp.)
• another
• another person
• one of a number
• anya anya or eka anya, the one, the other
• anyac ca, and another, besides, moreover [Zd. anya ; Armen. ail ; Lat. alius ; Goth. aljis, Theme alja
• Gk. ? [45, 2] for ?
• cf. also ?]
Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William
anya-yāna , anyabhṛt , anyabhṛta , anyabījaja , anyabījasamudbhava , any , anxiously , anxious , anxiety , anvṛju