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Dictionary Definition :

ārāma (Pāli). Site or residence occupied by a monastic community during the rainy season.

A Dictionary of Buddhism, Oxford University Press, 2003, 2004 (which is available in electronic version from answer.com)

ārāma : [m.] 1. pleasure; delight; 2. a park; 3. a monastery.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

Ārāma [Sk. ārāma, ā + ram] -- 1. pleasure, fondness of ( -- ˚), delight, always as adj. ( -- ˚) delighting in, enjoying, finding pleasure in (usually combd. with rata, e. g. dhammārāma dhammarata finding delight in the Dh.) S i.235; iv.389 sq. (bhav˚, upādān˚); A i.35, 37, 130; ii.28 (bhāvan˚); It 82 (dhamm˚); Sn 327 (id.; expld. by SnA 333 as rati and "dhamme ārāmo assā ti"); Pug 53 (samagg˚); Vbh 351. -- 2. a pleasure -- ground, park, garden (lit. sport, sporting); classified at Vin iii.49 as pupph˚ and phal˚ a park with flowers or with fruit (i. e. orchard), def. at DhA iii.246 as Veḷuvana -- Jīvakɔ ambavanɔ ādayo, i. e. the park of Veḷuvana, or the park belonging to Jīvaka or mango -- groves in general. Therefore: (a) (in general) a park, resort for pastime etc. Vin ii.109; D i. 106; Dh 188; Vv 795 (amb˚ garden of mangoes); VvA 305 (id.); Pv ii.78 (pl. ārāmāni = ārāmɔ ûpavanāni PvA 102). -- (b) (in special) a private park, given to the Buddha or the Sangha for the benefit of the bhikkhus, where they meet & hold discussions about sacred & secular matters; a place of recreation and meditation, a meeting place for religious gatherings. Amongst the many ārāmas given to the bhikkhus the most renowned is that of Anāthapiṇḍika (Jetavana; see J i.92 -- 94) D i.178; Vin iv.69; others more frequently mentioned are e. g. the park of Ambapālī (Vin i.233); of Mallikā (D i.178), etc. -- Vin i.39, 140, 283, 291; ii.170; iii.6, 45, 162; iv.85; A ii.176; Dpvs v.18.

   -- pāla keeper of a park or orchard, gardener Vin ii. 109; VvA 288. -- ropa, -- ropana planter, planting of pleasuregroves S i.33; PvA 151. -- vatthu the site of an Ārāma Vin i.140; ii. 170; iii.50, 90.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

ārāma: I. a. 樂於 II. m. 園

巴漢辭典 編者:(斗六) 廖文燦

ārāma: A monastery.

Sarvastivada Abhidharma, Sanskrit-English Glossary, by Bhikkhu KL Dhammajoti
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