araṇa : [adj.] peaceful; passionless.
Araṇa1 (adj. -- n.) [Vedic araṇa fr. *ara √ṛ, which as abl. ārā is used as adv. far from, cp. P. ārakā. Orig. meaning "removed from, remote, far". See also arañña]. (adj.) living in solitude, far from the madding crowd M iii.237 (˚vibhanga -- sutta); S i.44, 45; J i.340 (tittha˚?).
araṇa(cp. [ārakā遠離(adv.)]): I. a. 遠離 II. n. 無諍
Araṇa 阿蘭那 It means a place of stillness, which is to practice pure conduct and to cultivate without the attachment of self and the Four Marks.
araṇa 1
áraṇa mf(ī) n. (√ṛ), foreign, distant RV. AV. ŚBr
• (am), n. (only for the etym. of araṇi) the being fitted (as a piece of wood) Nir
• a refuge BhP
araṇa 2
a-raṇa mfn. without fighting (as death, i.e. natural death) Bhaṭṭ. [Page 86, Column 3]