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Dictionary Definition :

ard Ved. cl. 6. P. (Imper. 3. pl. ṛdantu
• impf. 3. pl. ā́rdan) to move, be moved, be scattered (as dust), R iv, 17, 2 and vii, 104, 24. cl. 1. P. ardati (árdati, 'to go, move' Naigh.) to dissolve AV. xii, 4, 3, (aor. ārdīt Bhaṭṭ., perf. anarda Pāṇ. 7-4, 71 Sch.) to torment, hurt, kill L
• to ask, beg for (acc.) Ragh. v, 17. cl. 7. ṛṇatti, to kill Naigh.: Caus. ardayati (Subj. ardayāsi, Imper. 2. sg. ardaya, impf. ā́dayat, 2. sg. ardáyas
• aor. ārdidat, or [after ma] ardayit Pāṇ. 3-1, 51) to make agitated, stir up, shake vehemently AV. iv, 15, 6 & 11, vi, 49, 2, to do harm, torment, distress MBh. &c. (generally used in perf. Pass. p. ardita, q.v.), to strike, hurt, kill, destroy RV. AV. &c. Desid. ardidiṣati ; [Lat. ardeo.]

Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William
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