ardha 1
árdha m. Ved. side, part
• place, region, country (cf. ápy-ardham, abhy-ardhá, parârdhá) ; [Lat. ordo ; Germ. ort.]
ardha 2
ardhá mfn. (m. pl. ardhe or ardhas Pāṇ. 1-1, 33) half. halved, forming a half [Osset. ardag]
• ardhá.. ardhá (or níma.. ardhá RV. x, 27' 18), one part, the other part
• (ás, ám), m. n. (ifc. f. ā) the half. RV. vi, 30, 1, &c
• (ám), n. 'one part of two', with √1. kṛ, to give or leave to anybody (acc.) an equal share of (gen.) RV. ii, 30, 5 and vi, 44, 18
• a part, party RV. iv, 32, 1 and vii, 18, 16
• (e), loc. ind. in the middle, Sāk. (ardha) in comp. with a subst. means 'the half part of anything' [Pāṇ. 2-2, 2], with an adj. or past Pass. p. [Pāṇ. 5-4, 5] 'half'
• also with an adj. indicating measure [Pāṇ. vii, 3, 26 and 27]
• a peculiar kind of compound is formed with ordinals [Pāṇ. 1-1, 23 Comm.], e.g. ardha-tṛtīya, containing a half for its third, i.e. two and a half
• ardha-caturtha, having a half for its fourth, three and a half.)