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1. Arindama.-The Bodhisatta, born as King of Benares and son of the Magadha King of Rājagaha. During the time of Sikhī Buddha he held a great almsgiving for the Buddha and his monks; he presented to the Order a fully caparisoned elephant which he redeemed by giving suitable gifts to the height of an elephant (J.i.41; Bu.xxi.9). He had as friend the chaplain's son, Sonaka. They both studied in Takkasilā and at the conclusion of their studies they travelled about in search of experience. In the course of their travels Arindama was elected to succeed the King of Benares who had died childless, and Sonaka became a Pacceka Buddha. Forty years later Arindama wished to see Sonaka, but no one could tell him his whereabouts in spite of the offer of a large reward. Ten years later Sonaka saw the king through the good offices of a lad of seven, who belonged to the harem and had learnt a song composed by the king expressing his desire to meet Sonaka. At the meeting, however, the king failed to recognise him. Sonaka, not revealing his identity, spoke to the king about the joys of renunciation, and disappeared through the air. The king, moved by his words, decided to give up the throne and to follow the ascetic life. He appointed his eldest son Dīghāvu king in his stead, handed over to him all his possessions, and developing supernatural faculties was born in the Brahma world (J.v.247-61).

Arindama is mentioned together with Mahājanaka as an example of a king who renounced a mighty kingdom to lead a hermit's life (J.iii.489). The story also appears in the Mahāvastu (iii.449ff), but the details given differ from those of the Jātaka version. There Arindama is spoken of as the King of Mithilā.

In both accounts Dīghāvu's mother, the king's chief queen, is spoken of as having died before the king's renunciation.

According to the Buddhavamsa Commentary (BuA.203), Arindama's capital was Paribhuttanagara. (v.l. Arindamaka.)

2. Arindama.-King in the time of Sumana Buddha. A great dispute had arisen at this time regarding nirodha and all the inhabitants of many thousand world systems were divided into two camps. In order to settle their doubts, the disputants, with Arindama at their head, sought the Buddha. The Buddha sat on Mount Yugandhara while Arindama, with his ninety thousand crores of followers, sat on a golden rock, which by the power of his merit had sprung from the earth near Sankassa. The Buddha preached to them, and at the end of the sermon they all became arahants. BuA.128-9.

3. Arindama.-King of Uttara. When Revata Buddha visited his city the king went to see him, accompanied by three crores of people. The next day a great almsgiving was held for the Buddha and the monks, and also a festival of light covering a space of three leagues. The Buddha preached to the assembly, and one thousand crores of people realised the Truth. Bu.vi.4; BuA.133.

4. Arindama.-A king of forty-one kappas ago; a former birth of Sannidhāpaka Thera. Ap.i.97.

5. Arindama.-King of Hamsavatī. When the king, through carelessness, had lost his wealth, his setthi (Jatukannika in a former birth) made good the loss by giving him the seven kinds of jewels. Ap.ii.360.

6. Arindama.-The name given to the Cakkavatti's cakkaratana because it brings all his enemies into subjection. Mbv.72.

Dictionary of Pali Proper Names, G P Malalasekera (1899-1973), which is available as printed version from

Arindama [Sk. arindama, ariŋ + dama of dam] a tamer of enemies, victor, conqueror Pv iv.315 (= arīnaŋ damanasīla PvA 251); Sdhp 276.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
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