1. Asama.-The chief disciple of Sobhita Buddha (Bu.vii.21; J.i.35). He was the Buddha's step-brother, and it was to him and to his brother Sunetta that the Buddha preached his first sermon. BuA.137.
2. Asama.-Father of Paduma Buddha and King of Campā. Bu.ix.9; BuA.146.
3. Asama.-Chief lay-supporter of Paduma Buddha (Bu.ix.23); probably the same as his father. See Asama (2).
4. Asama.-A devaputta who once visited the Buddha at Veluvana, in the company of Sahali, Ninka, Akotaka, Vetambarī and Mānava-Gāmiya.
They were disciples of different teachers and, standing before the Buddha, each uttered the praises of his own teacher.
Asama eulogised Pūrana-Kassapa (S.i.65). Perhaps Asama is the name of a class; See Asamā (1).
asama : [adj.] unequal; matchless.
Asama1 (adj.) [a + sama] unequal, incomparable J i.40 (+ appaṭipuggala); Sdhp 578 (+ atula). Esp. freq. in cpd. ˚dhura lit. carrying more than an equal burden, of incomparable strength, very steadfast or resolute Sn 694 (= asama -- viriya SnA 489); J i.193; vi.259, 330.
Asama2 (nt.) [the diaeretic form of Sk. aśman hurling stone, of whieh the contracted form is amha (q. v.); connected with Lat. ocris "mons confragosus"; Gr. a)/kmwn anvil; Lith. akmů̃ stone, see also asana1 (Sk. aśan stone for throwing) and asani] stone, rock DA i.270, 271 (˚muṭṭhika having a hammer of stone; v. l. BB. ayamuṭṭhika); SnA 392 (instr. asmanā).
a-sama mfn. uneven, unequal (either by birth or in surface or number) Mn. x, 73 Kis. v, 7, &c
• odd
• (á-sama), mf(ā)n. unequalled, without a fellow or equal RV. AV. &c
mnyam med
[translation-san] {MSA} asama
[translation-san] {N} atula
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} unequalled{N}