āsana. From the Sanskrit, meaning "sitting". The importance of posture for spiritual purification and progress is much emphasized in yogic and other types of Indian religious thought and practice. The concept has counterparts in the West, e.g., in Catholic ritual, in which posture has a significance comparable to that of speech and functions similarly, so that both minister to the completeness of liturgical expression and the beneficent effect on the development of the interior life.
(Sanskrit). A yogic posture which provides a seat for meditational practice. The most common example is the ‘lotus posture’ (padmāsana) in which both feet rest on top of the thigh of the opposite leg.
Āsana (nt.) [from āsati] sitting, sitting down; a seat, throne M i.469; Vin i.272 (= pallankassa okāsa); S i.46 (ek˚ sitting alone, a solitary seat); A iii.389 (an˚ without a seat); Sn 338, 718, 810, 981; Nd1 131; J iv.435 (āsān' ûdaka -- dāyin giving seat & drink); v.403 (id.); vi.413; DhA ii.31 (dhamm˚ the preacher's seat or throne); SnA 401; PvA 16, 23, 141.
-- âbhihara gift or distinction of the seat J i.81. -- ûpagata endowed with a seat, sitting down Sn 708 (= nisinna SnA 495). -- paññāpaka one who appoints seats Vin ii.305. -- paṭikkhitta one who rejects all seats, or objects to sitting down D i.167; A i.296; ii.206; Pug 55. -- sālā a hall with seating accommodation Vism 69; DhA ii. 65; iv.46.
Āsana2 (?) eating Vism 116 (visam˚, cp. visam -- āsita Miln 302). See, however, māsana.
āsana: n. 坐[具]
[translation-san] {LCh,C} āsana
[translation-san] {C} upāstaraṇa
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} cushion; seat; mat
[translation-eng] {C} throne; pulpit; coverlet
stan la'ang nyams
[translation-san] {C} āsana
[translation-eng] {C} seat; throne; pulpit
[translation-san] {LCh} āsana
[translation-san] {C} upāstaraṇa
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} seat; cushion
[translation-eng] {C} coverlet
[comments] Need English for ex.1 {T}