asāra : [adj.] worthless; sapless; vain.
Asāra (n. adj.) [a + sāra] that which is not substance, worthlessness; adj. worthless, vain, idle Sn 937 (= asāra nissāra sārâpagata Nd1 409); Dh 11, 12 (cp. DhA i.114 for interpretation).
asāra([a非]+[sāra核心]): n.a. 非核心
a-sāra mfn. sapless, without strength or value, without vigour, spoiled, unfit, unprofitable Mn. viii, 203 Suśr. &c
• m. 'worthlessness', sārâsāra
• Ricinus Communis (castor-oil tree) L
• (ā), f. the plant Musa Paradisiaca L
• (am), n. Aloe wood
snying po med pa
[translation-san] {C,MSA} asāra
[translation-san] {C} asāraka
[translation-san] {C} asārakata
[translation-san] {C} asārata
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} essenceless; no essence
[translation-eng] {C} lack of solidity; insubstantiality; (something) insubstantial; not (in) the core; that which is without a core; lack of a core