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Atīta (adj. -- n.) [Sk. atīta, ati + ita, pp. of i. Cp. accaya & ati eti] 1. (temporal) past, gone by (cp. accaya 1) (a) adj. atītaŋ addhānaŋ in the time which is past S iii.86; A iv.219; v.32. -- Pv ii.1212 (atītānaŋ, scil. attabhāvāuaŋ, pariyanto na dissati); khaṇâtīta with the right moment past Dh 315 = Sn 333; atītayobbana he who is past youth or whose youth is past Sn 110. -- (b) nt. the past: atīte (loc.) once upon a time J i.98 etc. atītaŋ āhari he told (a tale of) the past, i. e. a Jātaka J i.213, 218, 221 etc. -- S i.5 (atītaŋ nânusocati); A iii.400 (a. eko anto); Sn 851, 1112. In this sense very frequently combd. with or opposed to anāgata the future & paccuppanna the present, e. g. atītânāgate in past & future S ii.58; Sn 373; J vi.364. Or all three in ster. combn. atītɔ -- anāgata -- paccuppanna (this the usual order) D iii.100, 135; S ii.26, 110, 252; iii.19, 47, 187; iv.4 sq.; 151 sq.; A i.264 sq., 284; ii.171, 202; iii.151; v.33; It 53; Nd2 22; but also occasionally atīta paccuppanna anāgata,e. g. PvA 100. -- 2. (modal) passed out of, having overcome or surmounted, gone over, free from (cp. accaya 2) S i.97 (maraṇaŋ an˚ not free from death), 121 (sabbavera -- bhaya˚); A ii.21; iii.346 (sabbasaŋyojana˚); Sn 373 (kappa˚), 598 (khaya˚, of the moon = ūnabhāvaŋ atīta Sn A 463); Th 1, 413 (c. abl.) -- 3. (id.) overstepping, having transgressed or neglected (cp. accaya 3) Dh 176 (dhammaŋ).
   -- aŋsa the past (= atīta koṭṭhāse, atikkantabhavesū ti attho ThA 233) D ii.222; iii.275; Th 2, 314. -- ārammaṇa state of mind arising out of the past Dhs 1041.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

atīta(pp. of ati-i): 1. pp. 過去 2. pp. 跨越 3. n. 過去

巴漢辭典 編者:(斗六) 廖文燦



  • 'da'/
  • 'das/

[translation-san] {C} atikrāmati

[translation-san] {MSA} atikrama

[translation-san] {C,MSA} atīta

[translation-eng] {Hopkins} pass; go beyond; supramundane{BJ 52.7}; short for: mya ngan las 'das pa; [sorrow-from-passed]; nirvāṇa

[translation-eng] {C} pass beyond; pass by; transcend; past; passed beyond; gone beyond

[comments] Check tenses-incomplete? {T}

Jeffrey Hopkins' Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary

'das pa

[translation-san] {C,MSA,MV} atikrama

[translation-san] {C,MV,MSA} atīta

[translation-san] {C} samuttīrṇa

[translation-eng] {Hopkins} past; pass away; go beyond; pastness

[translation-eng] {C} passed beyond; gone beyond; overcome; transcend; escape

Jeffrey Hopkins' Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary

'das shing

[translation-san] {C} atīta

[translation-san] {C} uttīrṇatva

[translation-eng] {C} passed beyond; gone beyond; past; having escaped from

Jeffrey Hopkins' Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary
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