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attha : [m.] welfare; gain; wealth; need; want; use; meaning; destruction. (attha pres. 2nd plu. of atthi.) || aṭṭha (adj.) eight.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

Attha1 (also aṭṭha, esp. in combns mentioned under 3) (m. & nt.) [Vedic artha from , arti & ṛṇoti to reach, attain or to proceed (to or from), thus originally result (or cause), profit, attainment. Cp. semantically Fr. chose, Lat. causa] 1. interest, advantage, gain; (moral) good, blessing, welfare; profit, prosperity, well -- being M i.111 (atthassa ninnetar, of the Buddha, bringer of good); S iv.94 (id.); S i.34 (attano a. one's own welfare), 55 (id.) 86, 102, 126 = A ii.46 (atthassa patti); S i.162 (attano ca parassa ca); ii.222 (id.); iv.347 (˚ŋ bhañjati destroy the good or welfare, always with musāvādena by lying, cp. attha -- bhañjanaka); A i.61 (˚ŋ anubhoti to fare well, to have a (good) result); iii.364 (samparāyika a. profit in the future life); A v.223 sq. (anattho ca attho ca detriment & profit); It 44 (v. l. attā better); Sn 37, 58 (= Nd2 26, where the six kinds of advantages are enumd. as att˚ par˚ ubhay˚, i. e. advantage, resulting for oneself, for others, for both; diṭṭhadhammik˚ samparāyik˚ param˚ gain for this life, for a future life, and highest gain of all, i. e. Arahantship); Sn 331 (ko attho supitena what good is it to sleep = na hi sakkā supantena koci attho papuṇituŋ SnA 338; cp. ko attho supinena te Pv ii.61); PvA 30 (atthaŋ sādheti does good, results in good, 69 (samparāyikena atthena). -- dat. atthāya for the good, for the benefit of (gen.); to advantage, often eombd. with hitāya sukhāya, e. g. D iii.211 sq.; It 79. -- Kh viii.1 (to my benefit); Pv i.43 (= upakārāya PvA 18), ii.129 (to great advantage). See also below 6.
  Sometimes in a more concrete meaning = riches, wealth, e. g. J i.256 (= vaḍḍhiŋ C.); iii.394 (id.); Pv iv.14 (= dhanaŋ PvA 219). -- Often as -- ˚: att˚, one's own wellfare, usually combd. with par˚ and ubhay˚ (see above) S ii.29; v.121; A i.158, 216; iii.63 sq.; iv.134; Sn 75 (att-aṭṭha, v. l. attha Nd2), 284 (atta -- d -- attha); uttam˚ the highest gain, the very best thing Dh 386 (= arahatta DhA iv.142); Sn 324 (= arahatta SnA 332); param˚ id. Nd2 26; sad˚ one's own weal D ii.141; M i.4; S ii.29; v.145; A i.144; sāttha (adj.) connected with advantage, beneficial, profitable (of the Dhamma; or should we take it as "with the meaning, in spirit"? see sāttha) D i.62; S v.352; A ii.147; iii.152; Nd2 316. -- 2. need, want (c. instr.), use (for = instr.) S i.37 (˚jāta when need has arisen, in need); J i.254; iii.126, 281; iv.1; DhA i.398 (nɔ atthi etehɔ attho I have no use for them); VvA 250; PvA 24 (yāvadattha, adj. as much as is needed, sufficient = anappaka). -- 3. sense, meaning, import (of a word), denotation, signification. In this application attha is always spelt aṭṭha in cpds. aṭṭh -- uppatti and aṭṭha -- kathā (see below). On term see also Cpd. 4. -- S iii.93 (atthaŋ vibhajati explain the sense); A i.23 (id.), 60 (nīt˚ primary meaning, literal meaning; neyy˚ secondary or inferred meaning); ii.189 (˚ŋ ācikkhati to interpret); Sn 126 (˚ŋ pucchita asked the (correct) sense, the lit. meaning), 251 (˚ŋ akkhāti); Th 1, 374; attho paramo the highest sense, the ultimate sense or intrinsic meaning It 98, cp. Cpd. 6, 81, 223; Miln 28 (paramatthato in the absolute sense); Miln 18 (atthato according to its meaning, opp. vyañjanato by letter, orthographically); DhA ii.82; iii.175; KhA 81 (pad˚ meaning of a word); SnA 91 (id.); PvA 15 (˚ŋ vadati to explain, interpret), 16, 19 (hitatthadhammatā "fitness of the best sense", i. e. practical application), 71. Very frequent in Commentary style at the conclusion of an explained passage as ti attho "this is the meaning", thus it is meant, this is the sense, e. g. DA i.65; DhA iv.140, 141; PvA 33, etc. -- 4.Contrasted with dhamma in the combn. attho ca dhammo ca it (attha) refers to the (primary, natural) meaning of the word, while dhamma relates to the (interpreted) meaning of the text, to its bearing on the norm and conduct; or one might say they represent the theoretical and practical side of the text (pāḷi) to be discussed, the "letter" and the "spirit". Thus at A i.69; v.222, 254; Sn 326 (= bhāsitatthañ ca pāḷidhammañ ca SnA 333); It 84 (duṭṭho atthaŋ na jānāti dhammaŋ na passati: he realises neither the meaning nor the importance); Dh 363 (= bhāsitatthañ cɔ eva desanādhammañ ca); J ii.353; vi.368; Nd2 386 (meaning & proper nature); Pv iii.96 (but expld. by PvA 211 as hita = benefit, good, thus referring it to above 1). For the same use see cpds. ˚dhamma, ˚paṭisambhidā, esp. in adv. use (see under 6) Sn 430 (yenɔ atthena for which purpose), 508 (kena atthena v. l. BB for T attanā), J i.411 (atthaŋ vā kāraṇaŋ vā reason and cause); DhA ii.95 (+ kāraṇa(; PvA 11 (ayaŋ hɔ ettha attho this is the reason why). -- 5. (in very wide application, covering the same ground as Lat. res & Fr. chose): (a) matter, affair, thing, often untranslatable and simply to be given as "this" or "that" S ii.36 (ekena -- padena sabbo attho vutto the whole matter is said with one word); J i.151 (taŋ atthaŋ the matter); ii.160 (imaŋ a. this); vi.289 (taŋ atthaŋ pakāsento); PvA 6 (taŋ atthaŋ pucchi asked it), 11 (visajjeti explains it), 29 (vuttaŋ atthaŋ what had been said), 82 (id.). -- (b) affair, cause, case (cp. aṭṭa2 and Lat. causa) Dh 256, 331; Miln 47 (kassa atthaŋ dhāresi whose cause do you support, with whom do you agree?). See also alamattha. -- 6. Adv. use of oblique cases in the sense of a prep.: (a) dat. atthāya for the sake of, in order to, for J i.254 dhanɔ atthāya for wealth, kim˚ what for, why?), 279; ii.133; iii.54; DhA ii.82; PvA 55, 75, 78. -- (b) acc. atthaŋ on account of, in order to, often instead of an infinitive or with another inf. substitute J i.279 (kim˚); iii.53 (id.); i.253; ii.128; Dpvs vi.79; DhA i.397; PvA 32 (dassan˚ in order to see), 78, 167, etc. -- (c) abl. atthā J iii.518 (pitu atthā = atthāya C.). -- (d) loc. atthe instead of, for VvA 10; PvA 33; etc.
  anattha (m. & nt.) 1. unprofitable situation or condition, mischief, harm, misery, misfortune S i.103; ii.196 (anatthāya saŋvattati); A iv.96 (˚ŋ adhipajjati) It 84 (˚janano doso ill -- will brings discomfort); J i.63, 196; Pug 37; Dhs 1060, 1231; Sdhp 87; DA i.52 (anatthajanano kodho, cp. It 83 and Nd2 420 Q2); DhA ii.73; PvA 13, 61, 114, 199. -- 2. (= attha 3) incorrect sense, false meaning, as adj. senseless (and therefore unprofitable, no good, irrelevant) A v.222, 254 (adhammo ca); Dh 100 (= aniyyānad˚īpaka DhA ii.208); Sn 126 (expld. at SnA 180 as ahitaŋ).
   -- akkhāyin showing what is profitable D iii.187. -- attha riches J vi.290 (= atthabhūtaŋ atthaŋ C.). -- antara difference between the (two) meanings Miln 158. At Th 1, 374, Oldenberg's reading, but the v. l. (also C. reading) atthandhara is much better = he who knows the (correct) meaning, esp. as it corresponds with dhamma -- dhara (q. v.). -- abhisamaya grasp of the proficient S i.87 (see abhisamaya). -- uddhāra synopsis or abstract of contents ("matter") of the Vinaya Dpvs v.37. -- upaparikkhā investigation of meaning, (+ dhamma -- savanna) M iii.175; A iii.381 sq.; iv.221; v.126. -- uppatti (aṭṭh˚) sense, meaning, explanation, interpretation J i.89; DA i.242; KhA 216; VvA 197, 203 (cp. pāḷito) PvA 2, 6, 78; etc. -- kāma (adj.) (a) well -- wishing, a well -- wisher, friend, one who is interested in the welfare of others (cp. Sk. arthakāma, e. g. Bhagavadgīta ii.5: gurūn arthakāman) S i.140, 197, 201 sq.; A iii.143; D iii.164 (bahuno janassa a., + hitakāmo); J i.241; Pv iv.351; Pv A 25; SnA 287 (an˚). <-> (b) one who is interested in his own gain or good, either in good or bad sense (= greedy) S i.44; PvA 112. <-> -- kathā (aṭṭha˚) exposition of the sense, explanation, commentary J v.38, 170; PvA 1, 71, etc. freq. in N. of Com. -- kara beneficial, useful Vin iii.149; Miln 321. -- karaṇa the business of trying a case, holding court, giving judgment (v. l. aṭṭa˚) D ii.20; S i.74 (judgment hall?). -- kavi a didactic poet (see kavi) A ii.230. -- kāmin = ˚kāma, well -- wishing Sn 986 (devatā atthakāminī). -- kāraṇā (abl.) for the sake of gain D iii.186. -- kusala clever in finding out what is good or profitable Sn 143 (= atthacheka KhA 236). -- cara doing good, busy in the interest of others, obliging S i.23 (narānaŋ = "working out man's salvation"). -- caraka (adj.) one who devotes himself to being useful to others, doing good, one who renders service to others, e. g. an attendant, messenger, agent etc. D i.107 (= hitakāraka DA i.276); J ii.87; iii.326; iv.230; vi.369. -- cariyā useful conduct or behaviour D iii.152, 190, 232; A ii.32, 248; iv.219, 364. -- ñu one who knows what is useful or who knows the (plain or correct) meaning of something (+ dhammaññū) D iii.252; A iii.148; iv.113 sq. -- dassin intent upon the (moral) good Sn 385 (= hitânupassin SnA 373). -- dassimant one who examines a cause (cp. Sk. arthadarśika) J vi.286 (but expld. by C. as "saṇha -- sukhuma -- pañña" of deep insight, one who has a fine and minute knowledge). -- desanā interpretation, exegesis Miln 21 (dhamm˚). -- dhamma "reason and morality", see above n0. 3. ˚anusāsaka one who advises regarding the meaning and application of the Law, a professor of moral philosophy J ii.105; DhA ii.71. -- pada a profitable saying, a word of good sense, text, motto A ii.189; iii.356; Dh 100. -- paṭisambhidā knowledge of the meaning (of words) combd. with dhamma˚ of the text or spirit (see above n0. 3) Ps i.132; ii.150; Vbh 293 sq. -- paṭisaŋvedin experiencing good D iii.241 (+ dhamma˚); A i.151; iii.21. -- baddha expecting some good from (c. loc.) Sn 382. -- bhañjanaka breaking the welfare of, hurting DhA iii.356 (paresaŋ of others, by means of telling lies, musāvādena). -- majjha of beautiful waist J v.170 (= sumajjhā C.; reading must be faulty, there is hardly any connection with attha; v. l. atta). -- rasa sweetness (or substance, essence) of meaning (+ dhamma˚, vimutti˚) Nd2 466; Ps ii.88, 89. -- vasa "dependence on the sense", reasonableness, reason, consequence, cause D ii.285; M i.464; ii.120; iii.150; S ii.202; iii.93; iv.303; v.224; A i.61, 77, 98; ii.240; iii.72, 169, 237; Dh 289 (= kāraṇa DhA iii.435); It 89; Sn 297; Ud 14. -- vasika sensible It 89; Miln 406. -- vasin bent on (one's) aim or purpose Th 1, 539. -- vādin one who speaks good, i. e. whose words are doing good or who speaks only useful speech, always in combn. with kāla˚ bhūta˚ dhamma˚ D i.4; iii.175; A i.204; ii.22, 209; Pug 58; DA i.76 (expld. as "one who speaks for the sake of reaping blessings here and hereafter"). -- saŋvaṇṇanā explanation, exegesis PvA 1. -- saŋhita connected with good, bringing good, profitable, useful, salutary D i.189; S ii.223; iv.330; v.417; A iii.196 sq., 244; Sn 722 (= hitena saŋhitaŋ SnA 500); Pug 58. -- sandassana determination of meaning, definition Ps i.105. -- siddhi profit, advantage, benefit J i.402; PvA 63.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

Attha2 (nt.) [Vedic asta, of uncertain etym.] home, primarily as place of rest & shelter, but in P. phraseology abstracted from the "going home", i. e. setting of the sun, as disappearance, going out of existence, annihilation, extinction. Only in acc. and as ˚ -- in foll phrases: atthangacchati to disappear, to go out of existence, to vanish Dh 226 (= vināsaŋ natthibhāvaŋ gacchati DhA iii.324), 384 (= parikkhayaŋ gacchati); pp. atthangata gone home, gone to rest, gone, disappeared; of the sun (= set): J i.175 (atthangate suriye at sunset); PvA 55 (id.) 216 (anatthangate s. before sunset) fig. Sn 472 (atthagata). 475 (id.); 1075 (= niruddha ucchinṇa vinaṭṭha anupādi -- sesāya nibbāna -- dhātuyā nibbuta); It 58; Dhs 1038; Vbh 195. -- atthagatatta (nt. abstr.) disappearance SnA 409. -- atthangama (atthagama passim) annihilation, disappearance; opposed to samudaya (coming into existence) and synonymous with nirodha (destruction) D i.34, 37, 183; S iv.327; A iii.326; Ps ii.4, 6, 39; Pug 52; Dhs 165, 265, 501, 579; Vbh 105. -- atthagamana (nt.) setting (of the sun) J i.101 (suriyass' atthagamanā at sunset) DA i.95 (= ogamana). -- attha -- gāmin, in phrase udayɔ atthagāmin leading to birth and death (of paññā): see udaya. -- atthaŋ paleti = atthangacchati (fig.) Sn 1074 (= atthangameti nirujjhati Nd2 28). -- Also atthamita (pp. of i) set (of the sun) in phrase anatthamite suriye before sunset (with anatthangamite as v. l. at both pass.) DhA i.86; iii.127. -- Cp. also abbhattha.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

Attha3 pres. 2nd pl. of atthi (q. v.).

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

aṭṭha: num. 八

巴漢辭典 編者:(斗六) 廖文燦
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