Dictionary Definition :
ava-√han (Subj. 2. sg. -han RV. v, 32, 1 and vi, 26, 5
• Imper. 2. pl. -hantanā RV. ii, 34, 9 Imper. 2. sg. -jahi
• impf. 2. and 3. sg. -áhan, or ahan
• perf. 2. sg. -jaghantha) to throw down, strike, hit RV. AV. MBh. ii, 915
• Ved. to drive away, expel, keep off, fend off RV. AV. &c
• chiefly Ved. to thresh RV. i, 195, 2 (p. fem. -ghnatī) TS. &c.: Ā. -jighnate, to throw down RV. i, 80, 5: Caus. (Pot -ghātayet) to cause to thresh ŚBr. xiv: Intens. (Imper. 2. sg. -jaṅghanīhi) to drive away, fend off AV. v 20 8
Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William