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Dictionary Definition :

Bhaddaka(a) & Bhadraka(b) [fr. bhadda] 1. good, of good quality (opp. pāpaka) A iv.169(a). -- 2. honoured, of high repute J iii.269(a) (=sambhāvita C.). -- 3. (m. nt.) a good thing, lucky or auspicious possession, a valuable. Appld to the 8 requisites (parikkhārā) of a Samaṇa at J v.254(b). -- On upari -- bhaddaka (N. of a tree J vi.269; C.=bhagini -- mālā) see upari. -- At A iv.255 bhaddaka is given as one of the eight ingredients of the sun & moon; it may be gold (? cp. Kirfel,Kosmographie 190), or simply a term for a very valuable quality.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,