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A group of thirty young men, converted by the Buddha.

They had gone picnicking with their wives in a forest glade between Bārānasi and Uruvelā. One of them had no wife, and for him they found a courtesan; but she awaited the opportunity and ran away with their goods.

While seeking for her, they saw the Buddha and enquired if he had seen a woman. But he answered, should they not rather seek the "self" than a woman. They all agreed thereto, and he preached to them. At the end of the sermon they realized the Truth and were ordained (Vin.i.23f.; DhA.ii.33f).

Their conversion was one of the subjects sculptured in the Relic Chamber of the Mahā Thūpa. Mhv.xxx.79.

According to the Extended Mahāvamsa (i.298) they were the step-brothers of the king of Kosala.

Dictionary of Pali Proper Names, G P Malalasekera (1899-1973), which is available as printed version from
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