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Dictionary Definition :

bhaṇḍa : [nt.] good; wares; implements; articles.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

Bhaṇḍa (nt.) [cp. Epic Sk. bhāṇḍa] 1. stock in trade; collectively goods, wares, property, possessions, also "object" S i.43 (itthi bhaṇḍānaŋ uttamaŋ woman is the highest property), Nd2 38; J iii.353 (yācita˚ object asked,=yāca); ThA 288 (id.); Vism 22. -- bhaṇḍaŋ kiṇāti to buy goods VbhA 165. -- bhaṇḍaŋ vikkiṇati to sell goods J i.377 (+paṭibhaṇḍaŋ dāpeti to receive goods in return); vikkiṇiya -- bh. goods for sale DhA i.390. -- assāmika˚ ownerless goods, unclaimed property J vi.348; ābharaṇa˚ trinkets, jewelry J iii.221; piya˚ best goods, treasure J iii.279; bahu˚ having many goods, rich in possessions Vin iii.138; KhA 241 (of a bhikkhu); vara˚ best property or belongings Vin iv.225. -- 2. implement, article, instrument Vin ii.142, 143 (where 3 kinds are distinguished: of wood, copper, & of earthenware), 170 (id.); Dāvs iv.50 (turiya˚). -- In assa(hatthi˚) -- bhaṇḍa Vin i.85 sq., the meaning "horse (elephant -- ) trader (or owner)" does not seem clear; should we read paṇḍaka? Cp. bhaṇḍa=paṇḍa under bhaṇḍati.
   -- âgāra store house, warehouse, only in der. -- âgārika keeper of stores Vin i.284; ii.176; surveyor of the (royal) warehouses, royal treasurer (a higher court office: cp. Fick. Sociale Gliederung 101 sq.) J iii.293; iv.43; v.117; Miln 37; DA i.21; PvA 2, 20. -- āhāraka (trader) taking up goods DhA iv.60.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

bhaṇḍa: n. 物品

巴漢辭典 編者:(斗六) 廖文燦
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