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Dictionary Definition :

bhaya : [nt.] fear; fright.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

Bhaya (nt.) [fr. bhī, cp. Vedic bhaya, P. bhāyati] fear, fright, dread A ii.15 (jāti -- maraṇa˚); D iii.148, 182; Dh 39, 123, 212 sq., 283; Nd1 371, 409; Pug 56; Vism 512; KhA 108; SnA 155; DhA iii.23. There are some lengthy enumns of objects causing fear (sometimes under term mahabbhaya, mahā -- bhaya), e. g. one of 17at Miln 196, one of 16 (four times four) at A ii.121 sq., the same in essence, but in different order at Nd2 470, and at VbhA 502; one of 16 (with remark "ādi," and so on) at Vism 645. Shorter combns are to be found at Sn 964 (5, viz. ḍaŋsā, adhipātā, siriŋsapā, manussaphassā, catuppādā); Vbh 379 (5, viz. ājīvika˚, asiloka˚, parisa -- sārajja˚, maraṇa˚, duggati˚, expld at VbhA 505 sq.), 376 (4: jāti˚, jarā˚, vyādhi˚, maraṇa˚) 367 (3: jāti˚, jarā˚, maraṇ˚); Nd1 402 (2: diṭṭha -- dhammikaŋ & samparāyikaŋ bh.). -- abhaya absence of fear, safety Vin i.75 (abhay -- ûvara for abhaya -- vara?); Dh 317; J i.150; DhA iii.491.
   -- ñāṇa insight into what is to be feared: see Cpd. 66. -- dassāvin seeing or realising an object of fear, i. e. danger Vbh 244, 247 and passim. -- dassin id. Dh 31, 317. -- bherava fear & dismay M i.17 (=citt' uttrasassa ca bhayānak' ārammaṇassa adhivacanaŋ MA 113), N. of Suttanta No. 4 in Majjhima (pp. 16 sq.), quoted at Vism 202; SnA 206.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

怖Fear; to be frightened, be afraid (bhayatrāsatrāsitauttrāsa


怖畏Fear; to be frightened, be afraid (bhayatrasanauttrāsa


畏(1) To be afraid; to be in awe of; to dread (Skt. bhayabhīta; Pali bhaya). To be apprehensive. To dislike, to hate. (2) Fearful, scary.

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