Dictionary Definition :
1. Bhikkhādāyikā. A woman of Uttaramadhurā. The Buddha visited that city for her special benefit. Seeing him as she was returning from her bath, she invited him to her house and gave him a meal. She died soon after and was reborn in Tāvatimsa, where Moggallāna saw her and learnt her story. Vv.ii.10; VvA.118f.
2. Bhikkhādāyikā. A similar story of a woman of Rājagaha who gave alms to an arahant monk and was reborn in Tāvatimsa. Vv.ii.11; VvA.119f.
Dictionary of Pali Proper Names, G P Malalasekera (1899-1973), which is available as printed version from