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bhikkhu: A fully ordained disciple of the Buddha is called a bhikkhu. "Mendicant monk" may be suggested as the closest equivalent for "Bhikkhu", literally it means "he who begs" but bhikkhus do not beg. They silently stand at the door for alms. They live on what is spontaneously given by the supporters. He is not a priest as he is no mediator between God and man. He has no vows for life, but he is bound by his rules which he takes of his own accord. He leads a life of voluntary poverty and celibacy. If he is unable to live the Holy Life, he can discard the robe at any time.

Buddhist Dictionary, Manual of Buddhist Terms and Doctrines, by NYANATILOKA MAHATHERA

bhikkhu : [m.] a Buddhist monk.


Bhikkhu [cp. later Sk. bhikṣu, fr. bhikṣ] an almsman, a mendicant, a Buddhist monk or priest, a bhikkhu. <-> nom. sg. bhikkhu freq. passim; Vin iii.40 (vuḍḍhapabbajita); A i.78 (thera bh., an elder bh.; and nava bh. a young bh.); iii.299 (id.); iv.25 (id.); Sn 276, 360, 411 sq., 915 sq., 1041, 1104; Dh 31, 266 sq., 364 sq., 378; Vv 801; acc. bhikkhuŋ Vin iii.174; Dh 362, & bhikkhunaŋ Sn 87, 88, 513; gen. dat. bhikkhuno A i.274; Sn 221, 810, 961; Dh 373; Pvi.1010; & bhikkhussa A i.230; Vin iii.175; instr. bhikkhunā Sn 389. pl. nom. bhikkhū Vin ii.150; iii.175; D iii.123; Vism 152 (in sim.); VbhA 305 (compared with amaccaputtā) & bhikkhavo Sn 384, 573; Dh 243, 283; acc. bhikkhu Sn p. 78; M i.84; Vv 2210; & bhikkhavo Sn 384, 573; gen. dat.bhikkhūnaŋ Vin iii.285; D iii.264; Sn 1015; Pv ii.17; & bhikkhunaŋ S i.190; Th 1, 1231; instr. bhikkhūhi Vin iii.175; loc. bhikkhūsu A iv.25, &bhikkhusu Th 1, 241, 1207; Dh 73; voc. bhikkhave (a Māgadhī form of nom. bhikkhavaḥ) Vin iii.175; Sn p. 78; VvA 127; PvA 8, 39, 166; & bhikkhavoSn 280, 385.
  There are several allegorical etymologies (definitions) of the word bhikkhu, which occur frequently in the commentaries. All are fanciful interpretations of the idea of what a bhikkhu is or should be, and these qualities were sought and found in the word itself. Thus we mention here the foll. (a) bhikkhu=bhinnakilesa ("one who has broken the stains" i. e. of bad character) VbhA 328; VvA 29, 114, 310; PvA 51. <-> (b) Another more explicit explnis "sattannaŋ dhammānaŋ bhinnattā bhikkhu" (because of the breaking or destroying of 7 things, viz. the 7 bad qualities, leading to rebirth, consisting of sakkāyadiṭṭhi, vicikicchā, sīlabbata -- parāmāsa, rāga, dosa, moha, māna). This def. at Nd1 70=Nd2 477a. -- (c) Whereas in a & b the first syllable bhi( -- kkhu) is referred to bhid, in this def. it is referred to bhī (to fear), with the further reference of (bh -- ) ikkh(u) to īkṣ (to see), and bhikkhu defined as "saŋsāre bhayaŋ ikkhati ti bh." Vism 3, 16 (saŋsāre bhayaŋ ikkhaṇatāya vā bhinna -- paṭa -- dharaditāya vā). -- A very comprehensive def. of the term is found at Vbh 245 -- 246, where bhikkhu -- ship is established on the ground of 18 qualities (beginning with samaññāya bhikkhu, paṭiññāya bh., bhikkhatī ti bh., bhikkhako ti bh., bhikkhācariyaŋ ajjhupagato ti bh., bhinna -- paṭa -- dharo ti bh., bhindati pāpake dhamme ti bh., bhinnattā pāpakānaŋ dhammānan ti bh. etc. etc.). -- This passage is expld in detail at VbhA 327, 328. -- Two kinds of bhikkhus are distinguished at Ps i.176; Nd1 465=Nd2 477b, viz. kalyāṇa[ -- ka -- ]puthujjana (a layman of good character) and sekkha (one in training), for which latter the term paṭilīnacara (one who lives in elimination, i. e. in keeping away from the dangers of worldly life) is given at Nd1 130 (on Sn 810).
   -- gatika a person who associates with the bhikkhus (in the Vihāra) Vin i.148. -- bhāva state of being a monk, monkhood, bhikkhuship D i.176; Sn p. 102; -- sangha the community of bhikkhus, the Order of friars D iii.208; Sn 403, 1015; Sn p. 101, 102; Miln 209; PvA 19 sq. & passim.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

bhikkhu: m. 比丘

巴漢辭典 編者:(斗六) 廖文燦
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