1. Bhoja. A brahmin, one of the eight who read the auspicious marks on the Buddha's body on the fifth day after his birth. J.i.56; in the Milinda (p.236) he is called Subhoja.
2. Bhoja. A physician of old. J.iv. 496, 498.
3. Bhoja. A country. See Bhojaputta.
Bhoja [lit. grd. of bhuñjati2, to be sorted out, to be raised from slavery; thus also meaning "dependence," "training," from bhuj, to which belongs bhujissa] one who is getting trained, dependent, a freed slave, villager, subject. Only in cpds. like bhojisiyaŋ [bhoja+isi+ ya=issariya] mastery over dependence, i. e. independence S i.44, 45; bhojājānīya a well -- trained horse, a thoroughbred J i.178, 179; bhojaputta son of a villager J v.165; bhojarājā head of a village ( -- district) a subordinate king Sn 553=Th 1, 823. -- In the latter phrase however it may mean "wealthy" kings, or "titled" kings (khattiyā bh -- r., who are next in power to and serve on a rājā cakkavatti). The phrase is best taken as one, viz. "the nobles, royal kings." It may be a term for "vice -- kings" or substitute -- kings, or those who are successors of the king. The expln at SnA 453 takes the three words as three diff. terms and places bhojā= bhogiyā as a designation of a class or rank (=bhogga). Neumann in his trsln of Sn has "Königstämme, kühn and stolz," free but according to the sense. The phrase may in bhoja contain a local designation of the Bhoja princes (N. of a tribe), which was then taken as a special name for "king" (cp. Kaiser>Caesar, or Gr. basileu/s). With the wording "khattiyā bhoja -- rājāno anuyuttā bhavanti te" cp. M iii.173: "paṭirājāno te rañño cakkavattissa anuyuttā bhavanti," and A v.22: "kuḍḍarājāno" in same phrase. -- Mrs. Rh. D. at Brethren, p. 311, trsls "nobles and wealthy lords."