Bhūnaha [difficult to expln; is it an old misspelling for bhūta+gha? The latter of han?] a destroyer of beings Sn 664 (voc. bhūnahu, expld by SnA 479 as "bhūti -- hanaka vuddhi -- nāsaka"; vv. ll. bhūnahaṭa, bhūnahoṭa, bhūhata, all showing the difficulty of the archaic word); J v.266 (pl. bhūnahuno, expld by C. 272 as "isīnaŋ ativattāro attano vaḍḍhiyā hatattā bh."). Cp. M i.502 ("puritanical" suggested by Lord Chalmers).
Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,