bind : (v.t.) bandhati; vinandhati; saṃyojeti. (pp.) baddha; vinaddha; saṃyutta.
- gdags
- 'dogs
- btags/brtags
- thogs
[translation-san] {MSA,L} (pra √jñā): prajñāpayati
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} impute; designate; to hang; designation{BJ 39.7}; imputor [i.e. the consciousness that imputes]{BJ}
[translation-eng] make known; bind; attach
'dogs pa
- gdags
- 'dogs
- btags/brtags
- thogs
[translation-san] {pra √jñā} : {MSA,L}prajñāpayati
[translation-san] {MSA} prajñapti
[translation-san] prajñaptiḥ
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} impute; designate; to hang; designation{BJ 39.7}; imputor [i.e. the consciousness that imputes]{BJ}; imputing
[translation-eng] make known; bind; attach
- bsdam/
- sdom/
- bsdams/
- sdoms/
[translation-san] {MSA} uddāna
[translation-san] {MSA} uddāna-śloka
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} bind; tie; fasten; vow; obligation; bring together; collect
sdom pa
[translation-san] {LCh,C,L} saṃvara
[translation-san] {MSA} saṃvṛtti
[translation-san] {C} saṃyama
[translation-san] {C} saṃcara
[translation-san] {C} saṃlekha
[translation-san] {MSA} yang dag par sdom pa = saṃyama
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} vow; bind; tie; fasten; obligation; bring together; collect; discipline
[translation-eng] {C} restraint(s); restrain; self-mastery; engagement; (austere) penance
[comments] compare: dam tshig, pledge
- bsdam/
- sdom/
- bsdams/
- sdoms/
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} bring together; collect; bind; tie; fasten vow; obligation
sdoms pa
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} bring together; collect{BJ 33.5}; bind; tie; fasten vow; obligation
- bsdam/
- sdom/
- bsdams/
- sdoms/
[translation-san] {MSA} saṃvṛta
[translation-san] {MSA} susaṃvṛta
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} restrained; bound; bring together; collect; bind; tie; fasten vow; obligation
bsdams par 'gyur
[translation-san] {MSA} saṃvṛta
[translation-san] {MSA} susaṃvṛta
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} restrain; bind