Dictionary Definition :
camara : [m.] the yak ox (in the Himalayan regions). || cāmara (nt.) a chowrie; the tail of the yak used as a whisk.
A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]
Camara [Deriv. unknown, probably non -- Aryan. Sk. camara] 1. the Yak ox (Bos grunniens) J i.149; iii.18, 375; v.416; Miln 365. -- f. -- ī J i.20; Sdhp 621. -- In cpds. camari˚ J iv.256. -- 2. a kind of antelope ( -- ī) J vi.537.
-- vījanī (f.) a chowry (the bushy tail of the Yak made into a brush to drive away flies) Vin ii.130. This is one of the royal ensigns (see kakudhabhaṇḍa & cp. vāla -- vījanī).
Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
camaraḥ , camarī , camasa , camati , cambist , calyx , calumny , calumniously , calumnious , calumniator