1. Canda.-A king, one of the chief lay supporters of Kondañña Buddha (BuA.114).
2. Canda.-Chief lay supporter of Sikhī Buddha. Bu.xxi.122; but BuA. (204) calls him Nanda.
3. Canda.-One of the palaces occupied by Sumangala Buddha in his last lay life (Bu.v.22).
4. Canda.-A mānava, son of a rich brahmin, Sucindara. Canda and his friend, Subhadda, became arahants at the first assembly of Kondañña Buddha. BuA.110f.
5. Canda.-The moon; generally spoken of as a deva. See Candimā.
6. Canda.-The Bodhisatta, born as a kinnara. For details see the Canda-kinnara Jātaka.
7. Canda.-A mountain in Himavā. where lived the kinnara, Canda, with his wife (J.iv.283, 288). It is also called Candaka (J.v.162) and Candapassa (J.v.38).
8. Canda.-A brahmin, father of Vidhurapandita.
9. Canda.-One of the palaces occupied by Sumana Buddha in his last lay life (Bu.xxiv.22).
10. Canda.-Younger brother of Sāriputta and a member of the Order. DhA.ii.188.
11. Canda.-Son of the brahmin Pandula. He later became the chaplain of Pandukābhaya. Mhv.x.25, 79.
12. Canda.-See Candakumāra.
Canda [Vedic candra from *(s)quend to be light or glowing, cp. candana sandal (incense) wood, Gr. ka/hdaros cinder; Lat. candeo, candidus, incendo; Cymr. cann white; E. candid, candle, incense, cinder] the moon (i. e. the shiner) S i.196; ii.206; M ii.104; A i.227, ii.139 sq.; iii.34; Dh 413; Sn 465, 569, 1016; J iii.52; vi.232; Pv i.127; ii.66; Vv 647 (maṇi˚ a shiny jewel. or a moonlike jewel, see VvA 278, v. l. ˚sanda). -- puṇṇa˚ the full moon J i.149, 267; v.215; ˚mukha with a face like a full moon (of the Buddha) DhA iii.171. Canda is extremely frequent in similes & comparisens: see list in J.P.T.S. 1907, 85 sq. In enumerations of heavenly bodies or divine beings Canda always precedes Suriya (the Sun), e. g. D ii.259; A i.215; ii.139; Nd2 308 (under Devatā). Cp. candimant. On quâsi mythol. etym. see Vism 418.
-- kanta a gem Miln 118; -- (g)gāha a moon -- eclipse (lit. seizure, i. e. by Rāhu) D i.10 (cp. DA i.95); -- maṇḍala the moon's disc, the shiny disc, i. e. the moon A i.283; J i.253; iii.55; iv.378; v.123; Dhs 617; Vism 216 (in compar,); PvA 65; -- suriyā (pl.) sun & moon J iv.61.
canda: m. 月