cetanā: 'volition', will, is one of the seven mental factors (cetasika, q.v.) inseparably bound up with all consciousness, namely sensorial or mental impression (phassa), feeling (vedanā), perception (saññā), volition (cetanā), concentration (samādhi), vitality (jīvita), advertence (manasikāra). Cf. Tab. II, III.
With regard to kammical volition (i.e. wholesome or unwholesome kamma) it is said in A. VI, 13: "Volition is action (kamma), thus I say, o monks; for as soon as volition arises, one does the action, be it by body, speech or mind." For details, s. paṭiccasamuppāda (10), kamma.
(Sanskrit; Pāli). Term denoting the conative psychological functions of intention, volition or motivation. It is one of the five ever-present mental functions (caitta), and is particularly associated with the generation of karma.
cetanā : [f.] intention.
Cetanā [f. abstr. fr. cet, see cinteti] state of ceto in action, thinking as active thought, intention, purpose, will. Defined as action (kamma: A iii.415; cp. KV. viii.9, § 38 untraced quotation; cp. A v.292). Often combd w. patthanā & paṇidhi (wish & aspiration), e. g. S ii.99, 154; A i.32, 224; v 212; Nd2 112 (in def. of asucimanussā, people of ignoble action: asuciyā cetanāya, patthanāya, paṇidhinā samannāgatā). Also classed with these in a larger group in KV., e. g. 343, 380. -- Combd w. vedanā saññā c. citta phassa manasikāra in def. of nāmakāya (opp. rūpakāya) S ii.3 (without citta), Ps i.183 (do.); Nett 77, 78. -- Enumd under the four blessings of vatthu, paccaya, c., guṇātireka ( -- sampadā) & def. as "cetanāya somanassa -- sahagatañāṇa -- sampayutta -- bhāvo" at DhA iii.94. -- C. is opposed to cetasika (i. e. ceto) in its determination of the 7 items of good conduct (see sīla) which refers to actions of the body (or are wilful, called cetanākamma Nett 43, 96; otherwise distinguished as kāya -- & vacīkammantā A v.292 sq.), whereas the 3 last items (sīla 8 -- 10) refer to the behaviour of the mind (cetasikakamma Nett., mano -- kammanta A), viz. the shrinking back from covetousness, malice, & wrong views. <-> Vin iii.112; S iii.60; A ii.232 (kaṇhassa kammassa pahānāya cetanā: intention to give up wrong -- doing); VvA 72 (vadhaka -- cetanā wilful murder); maraṇacetanā intention of death DhA i.20; āhār' āsā cetanā intention consisting in deśire for food Vism 537. <-> PvA 8, 30 (pariccāga˚ intention to give); Pug 12; Miln 94; Sdhp 52, 72. -- In scholastic lgg. often expld as cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitatta (viz. state or behaviour of volition) Dhs 5; Vbh 285. -- Cp. Dhs 58 (+citta); Vbh 401 (id.); Vbh 40, 403; Vism 463 (cetayatī ti cetanā; abhisandahatī ti attho).
cetanā: f. 思
cetanā: Volition.