chinna : [pp. of chindati] cut; destroyed.
Chinna [pp. of chindati] cut off, destroyed Vin i.71 (acchinna -- kesa with unshaven hair); M i.430; D ii.8 (˚papañca); J i.255; ii.155; iv.138; Dh 338; Pv i.112 (v. l. for bhinna), 116; DhA iv.48. Very often in punishments of decapitation (sīsa˚) or mutilation (hatthapāda˚, etc.) e. g. Vin i.91; iii.28; Pv ii.24 (ghāna -- sīsa˚); Miln 5. Cp. sañ˚. As first part of cpd., chinna˚ very frequently is to be rendered by "without," e. g.
-- āsa without hope J ii.230; PvA 22, 174; -- iriyāpatha unable to walk, i. e. a cripple Vin i.91; -- kaṇṇa without ears PvA 151; -- gantha untrammelled, unfettered Sn 219; -- pilotika with torn rags, or without rags S ii.28; PvA 171 (+bhinna˚); -- bhatta without food i. e. famished, starved J i.84; v.382; DhA iii.106=VvA 76; -- saŋsaya without doubt Sn 1112; It 96, 97, 123; Nd2 244. -- sāṭaka a torn garment Vism 51.
chinna: pp. of [chindati切斷.攪動]
chinná mfn. cut off, cut, divided, torn, cut through, perforated AV. &c
• opened (a wound) Suśr.
• interrupted, not contiguous Bhag. vi, 36 R. iii, 50, 12 VarBṛS.
• disturbed (kiṃ naś chinnam, what is there in this to disturb us?' there is nothing to care about Amar.) Hariv. 16258 Mṛicch.
• ? (said of the belly of a leach) Suśr.
• limited by (in comp.) Bhartṛ. iii, 20
• taken away or out of. R. ii, 56, 23 Ragh. xii, 80
• disappeared Kathās. lxi, 47
• ifc. decaying or exhausted by Buddh. L.
• (ā), f. a harlot L.
• = ○nnôdbhavā Bhpr. v, 3, 6 (cf. á-, reṣmá-)