chos thams cad blo gnod med la snang ba'i dbang gis bzhag pa ma yin par yul rang gi thun mong ma yin pa'i sdod lugs kyi ngos nas grub pas stong pa
Dictionary Definition :
all phenomena are empty of being established from the side of their own uncommon objective mode of subsistence without being posited through the force of appearing to a non-defective mind{Lati}
Jeffrey Hopkins' Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary
chos thams cad kyi dbang phyug , chos thams cad kyi don dam pa'i ngo bo nyid , chos thams cad kyi mnyam pa nyid la gnas pa , chos thams cad kyi phyag rgya zhes bya ba'i ting nge 'dzin , chos thams cad kyi rang bzhin mnyam pa nyid rnam par spros pa ting nge 'dzin gyi rgyal pa , chos thams cad bdag med pa , chos thams cad , chos ston pa , chos sred pa , chos spyod pa bcu