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Cinteti & ceteti [Sk. cetati to appear, perceive, & cinta- yati to think, cit (see citta2) in two forms: (a) Act, base with nasal infix cint (cp. muñc, yuñj, siñc, etc.); (b) Med. base (denom.) with guṇa cet (cp. moc, yoj, sec, etc, & the analogous formations of chid, chind, ched under chindati) to *(s)qait: see citta1, with which further cp. caksu, cikita, ciketi, cikitsati, & in meaning passati (he sees=he knows), Gr. oi)da=vidi, E. view=thought, Ger. anschauung] -- Forms: (a) cint: pres. cinteti. pot. cinteyya; ppr. cintento & cintayanto (Sn 834); -- aor. cintesi, 3rd pl. cintesuŋ (J i.149), acintayuŋ (Sn 258); -- ger. cintetvā (J i.279) & cintiya (Mhvs vii.17, 32); -- grd. cinteyya & cintetabba; pp. cintita (q. v.). Cp. also cintana, cintin. -- (b) cet: pres. ceteti & cetayati (S i.121), pot. cetaye (Pv ii.97= cinteyya PvA 116); ppr. cetayāna (J v.339); fut. cetessati (Vin iii.19); -- aor. acetayi (Pv i.66=cetesi PvA 34); -- ger cecca (Vin iii.112; iv.290); also cicca: see sañ˚. -- grd. cetabba (for *cetetabba only at J iv.157, v. l. ceteyya, expl. by cintetabba); -- pp. cetayita (q. v.). Cp. also cetanā.
  Note. The relation in the use of the two forms is that cet is the older & less understood form, since it is usually expld by cint, whereas cint is never expld by cet & therefore appears to be the more frequent & familiar form.
  Meaning: (a) (intr.) to think, to reflect, to be of opinion, Grouped with (phuṭṭho) vedeti, ceteti, sañjānāti he has the feeling, the awareness (of the feeling), the consciousness S iv.68. Its seat is freq. mentioned with manasā (in the heart), viz. manasā diṭṭhigatāni cintayanto Sn 834; na pāpaŋ manasā pi cetaye Pv ii.97; J i.279; PvA 13 (he thought it over), ib. (evaŋ c. you think so); Sdhp 289 (īdisaŋ c. id.) Mhvs vii.18, 32; Miln 233 (cintayati), 406 (cintayitabba). -- Prohibitive: mā cintayi don't think about it, don't worry, don't be afraid, never mind J i.50, 292, 424; iii.289; vi.176; pl. mā cintayittha J i.457; iv.414; vi.344; Vism 426; DhA i.12; iii.196; also mā cintesi J iii.535. -- (b) (with acc.) to ponder, think over, imagine, think out, design, scheme, intend, plan. In this sense grouped with (ceteti) pakappeti anuseti to intend, to start to perform, to carry out S ii.65. maraṇaŋ ākankhati cetayati (ponders over) S i.121; acinteyyāni na cintetabbāni A ii.80; cetabba -- rūpa (a fit object of thought, a good thought) J iv.157 (=cintetabba); loka -- cintaŋ c. S v.447; ajjhattarūpe, etc. ceteti Vin iii.113; mangalāni acintayuŋ Sn 258; diṭṭhigatāni cintayanto Sn 834; kiŋ cintesi J i.221; sokavinayan' -- upāyaŋ c. to devise a means of dispelling the grief PvA 39. -- Esp. with pāpaŋ & pāpakaŋ to intend evil, to have ill -- will against (c. dat.): mā pāpakaŋ akusalaŋ cittaŋ cinteyyātha S v.418; na p. cetaye manasā pi Pv ii.97 (=cinteyya, piheyya PvA 116); p. na cintetabba PvA 114; tassā p. acetayi Pv i.66 (=cetesi PvA 34); kiŋ amhākaŋ cintesi what do you intend against us? J i.211. -- (c) (with dat.) (restricted to ceteti) to set one's heart on, to think upon, strive after, desire: āgatipunabbhavāya c. to desire a future rebirth S iv.201; vimokkhāya c. to strive after emancipation S iii.121; attavyābadhāya c. M iii.23=A i.157=S iv.339; pabbajjāya c. It 75; rakkhāya me tvaŋ vihito . . . udāhu me cetayase vadhāya J iii.146 -- acinteyya that which must not or cannot be thought A ii.80 (cattāri ˚āni four reflections to be avoided); VvA 323 (a. buddhânubhāva unimaginable majesty of a B.).

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

cinteti, ceteti, cetayati: 思

巴漢辭典 編者:(斗六) 廖文燦
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