dam : (f.) āḷi; pāḷi. (v.t.) āliṃ bandhati; jalaṃ santhambheti. (pp.) ālibaddha; santhambhitajala.
[translation-san] {C} avasthā
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} platform
[translation-eng] {C} state; time of; stability; dam
[translation-san] vā
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} (1) or; and; question particle (2) tight; firm; excellent; holy (3) promise
gnas skabs
[translation-san] {C,MSA} avasthā
[translation-san] {C} adhikāra
[translation-san] {C} mātra
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} state; level; status; period; temporary; condition; opportunity; temporary state; context; situation
[translation-eng] {C} mere(ly); time of; stability; dam; topic; heading
[comments] SW added Engl ""context"" and ""situation""; changed ex 1 eng. from ""by way of the level the path having been generated in one's continuum