Dictionary Definition :
dāna-pāramitā (Sanskrit). The Perfection of Generosity, the first of the Six Perfections (ṣaḍ-pāramitā) that make up the central element of the Mahāyāna path; its cultivation involves unselfish giving in three aspects: the giving of material goods to those in need, the giving of security and freedom from fear, and the giving of the Dharma.
A Dictionary of Buddhism, Oxford University Press, 2003, 2004 (which is available in electronic version from answer.com)
施波羅蜜The perfection of giving (dāna-pāramitā); the free giving of one's material assets to others without any thought of merit or recompense. One of the six pāramitās 六波羅蜜and ten pāramitās 十波羅蜜.
dāna-śīla-aviruddha , dānabhāgavata , dānabhinna , dānacandrikā , dānacyuta , dāna vagga/sutta , dāna , dān , damyasārathi , damya