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daṇḍa : [m.] 1. a stem, stick, cudgel, walking stick, timber (in general), 2. a fine, punishment.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

Daṇḍa [Vedic daṇḍa, dial.=*dal[d]ra; (on ṇ: l cp. guṇa: guḷa etc.) to *del as in Sk. dala, dalati. Cp. Lat. dolare to cut, split, work in wood; delere to destroy; Gr. dai/dalon work of art; Mhg. zelge twig; zol a stick. Possibly also fr. *dan[d]ra (r=l freq., ṇ: l as tulā: tūṇa; veṇu: veḷu, etc. cp. aṇḍa, caṇḍa), then it would equal Gr. de/ndron tree, wood, & be connected with Sk. dāru] 1. stem of a tree, wood, wood worked into something, e. g. a handle, etc. J ii.102; 405 (v. l. dabba); Vism 313; PvA 220 (nimbarukkhassa daṇḍena [v. l. dabbena] katasūla). tidaṇḍa a tripod. -- 2. a stick, staff, rod, to lean on, & as support in walking; the walking -- stick of a Wanderer Vin ii.132 (na sakkoti vinā daṇḍena āhiṇḍituŋ), 196; S i.176; A i.138, 206; Sn 688 (suvaṇṇa˚); J iii.395; v.47 (loha˚); Sdhp 399 (eka˚, ˚dvaya, ti˚). daṇḍaŋ olubbha leaning on the st. M i.108; A iii.298; Th 2, 27. -- 3. a stick as means of punishment. a blow, a thrashing: daṇḍehi aññamaññaŋ upakkamanti "they go for each other with sticks" M i.86=Nd2 199; ˚ŋ dadāti to give a thrashing J iv.382; v.442; daṇḍena pahāraŋ dadāti to hit with a stick S iv.62; brahma˚ a certain kind of punishment D ii.154, cp. Vin ii.290 & Kern, Manual p. 87; pañca satāni daṇḍo a fine of 500 pieces Vin i.247; paṇīta˚ receiving ample p. Pv iv.166; purisa -- vadha˚ J ii.417; rāja -- daṇḍaŋ karoti (c. loc.) to execute the royal beating PvA 216. See also Dh 129, 131, 310, 405 -- 4. a stick as a weapon in general, only in cert. phrases & usually in combn w. sattha, sword. daṇḍaŋ ādiyati to take up the stick, to use violence: attadaṇḍa (atta=ā -- dā) violent Sn 935; attadaṇḍesu nibbuta Dh 406=Sn 630; a.+kodhâbhibhūta S iv.117: ādinna -- daṇḍa ādinnasattha Vin i.349; opp. daṇḍaŋ nidahati to lay down the stick, to be peaceful: sabbesu bhūtesu nidhāya daṇḍaŋ Sn 35, 394, 629; nihita -- d. nihita -- sattha using neither stick nor sword, of the Dhamma D i.4, 63; M i.287; A i.211; ii.208; iv.249; v.204. daṇḍaŋ nikkhipati id. A i.206. d. -- sattha parāmasana Nd2 576. daṇḍa -- sattha -- abbhukkirana & daṇḍa -- sattha -- abhinipātana Nd2 5764. Cp. paṭidaṇḍa retribution Dh 133. <-> 5. (fig.) a means of frightening, frightfulness, violence, teasing. In this meaning used as nt. as M i.372; tīṇi daṇḍāni pāpassa kammassa kiriyāya: kāyadaṇḍaŋ vacī˚, mano˚; in the same sense as m. at Nd2 293 (as expld to Sn 35). -- 6. a fine, a penalty, penance in general: daṇḍena nikkiṇāti to redeem w. a penalty J vi.576 (dhanaŋ datvā Com.); daṇḍaŋ dhāreti to inflict a fine Miln 171, 193; daṇḍaŋ paṇeti id. Dh 310 (cp. DhA iii.482); DhA ii.71; aṭṭha -- kahāpaṇo daṇḍo a fine of 8 k. VvA 76. -- adaṇḍa without a stick, i. e. without force or violence, usually in phrase adaṇḍena asatthena (see above 4): Vin ii.196 (ad. as. nāgo danto mahesinā; thus of a Cakkavattin who rules the world peacefully: paṭhaviŋ ad. as. dhammena abhivijiya ajjhāvasati D i.89=A iv.89, 105, or dhammena -- manusāsati Sn 1002=S i.236.
   -- âbhighata slaying w. cudgels PvA 58; -- âraha (adj.) deserving punishment J v.442; VvA 23; -- ādāna taking up a stick (weapon) (cp. above 4), combd with satth' ādāna M i.110, 113, 410; D iii.92, 93, 289; A iv.400; Vism 326. -- kaṭhina k. cloth stretched on a stick (for the purpose of measuring) Vin ii.116; -- kathālikā a large kettle with a handle Vin i.286; -- kamma punishment by beating, penalty, penance, atonement J iii.276, 527; v.89; Miln 8; ˚ŋ karoti to punish, to inflict a fine Vin i.75, 76, 84; ii.262; -- koṭi the tip of a branch or stick DhA i.60; -- dīpikā a torch J vi.398; Vism 39; DhA i.220, 399; -- ppatta liable to punishment Miln 46; -- paduma N. of a plant (cp. Sk. daṇḍotphala=sahadevā, Halāyudha) J i.51; -- parāyana supported by or leaning on a stick (of old people) M i.88; A i.138; Miln 282; -- parissāvana a strainer with a handle Vin ii.119; -- pahāra a blow with a stick D i.144; -- pāṇin carrying a staff, "staff in hand" M i.108; -- bali ( -- ādi) fines & taxes, etc. DhA i.251; -- bhaya fear of punishment A ii.121 sq.=Nd2 470=Miln 196; -- (m)antara among the sticks D i.166=A i.295=ii.206=M i.77, 238, 307, 342= Pug 55; see note at Dial. i.228; -- yuddha a club -- fight D i.6; J iii.541; -- lakkhaṇa fortune -- telling from sticks D i.9; -- vākarā a net on a stick, as a snare, M i.153; -- veḷupesikā a bamboo stick J iv.382; -- sikkā a rope slung round the walking -- staff Vin ii.131; -- hattha with a stick in his hand J i.59.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

daṇḍa: I. m. 杖  II. m. 罰

巴漢辭典 編者:(斗六) 廖文燦

daṇḍá ( = ? -v, hence cognate with daáru and √dṝ) m. (n. [cf. ikṣu-], g. ardharcâdi) a stick, staff, rod, pole, cudgel, club RV. &c. (staff given at investiture with the sacred thread ŚBr. &c
• 'penis [with vaitasá]', xi, 5, 1, 1
• 'trunk', śuṇḍā-
• 'arm' or 'leg', dor-, bāhu-
• 'tusk', daṃṣṭrā-)
• = ○ḍakâsana BṛNārP. xxxi, 115 (n.)
• a stalk, stem (of a tree
• cf. ikṣu-, ud-, khara-) MBh. ii, 2390
• the staff of a banner, 2079 ; iv, xiv
• the handle (of a ladle, sauce-pan, fly-flap, parasol &c.) AitBr. ŚBr. &c
• the steam of a plough L.
• 'a mast', mahādaṇḍa-dhara
• the cross-bar of a lute which holds the strings ŚāṅkhŚr. xvii
• the stick with which a lute is played L.
• a churning-stick (cf. ○ḍâhata) L.
• a pole as a measure of length (= 4 Hastas) VarBṛS.xxiv, 9 MārkP.il
• N. of a measure of time (= 60 Vi-kalās) BrahmaP. ii VarP. BhavP.
• N. of a staff-like appearance in the sky ('N. of a planet' (L. ; cf. -bhāsa) VarBṛS.
• N. of a constellation, xx, 2 VarBṛ. Laghuj.
• a form of military array (cf. -vyuha) L.
• a line (cf. -pāta)
• a staff or sceptre as a symbol of power and sovereignty (cf. nyasta-), application of power, violence Mn. vii f. MBh.
• power over (gen. or in comp.), control, restraint (cf. vāg-, mano-, kāya- [karma- MārkP. xli, 22]
• tri-daṇḍin) Subh.
• embodied power, army (kośa-, du 'treasure and army' Mn. ix, 294 MBh. Kir. ii, 12) Mn. vii Ragh. xvii, 62
• the rod as a symbol of judicial authority and punishment, punishment (corporal, verbal, and fiscal
• chastisement and imprisonment, reprimand, fine) TāṇḍyaBr. xvii, 1 Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. guptá & gūḍha-) [Page 466, Column 3]
• pride L.
• m. a horse L.
• Punishment (son of Dharma and Kriyā VP. i, 7, 27 MārkP. l)
• Yama L.
• Śiva MBh. xii, 10361
• N. of an attendant of the Sun, iii, 198
• (g. śivâdi and śaunakâdi) N. of a man with the patr. Aupara MaitrS. iii, 8, 7 TS. vi, 2, 9, 4
• of a prince slain by Arjuna (brother of -dhara, identified with the Asura Krodha-hantṛi) MBh. if., viii
• of a Rakshas R. vii, 5, 39
• ○oḍaka
• (ā), f. Hedysaruni lagopodioides, Npr

Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William
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