Demons. The notion that there are demons or evil spirits, inferior to the gods and inclined to the destruction of humans is widespread in the history of religion. In the polytheistic religions such spirits are so mixed up with the gods that it is often difficult to distinguish the "good" gods from the "bad" ones. In the monotheistic religions, however, such as Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and Islam, not only is the distinction made abundantly clear; the demons are hierarchically arranged, some being more potent than others and all being under the rule of a chief: Satan, Lucifer, or, in Zoroastrianism, Angra Mainyu, the enemy of Ahura Mazda, the beneficent deity corresponding to the Hindu Dyaus-pitar, the Father of light. In many forms of Gnosticism emphasis on the war between the forces of good and evil is especially strong.
[translation-san] piśāca
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} [flesh eating] demon(s)