1. Devadaha.-A township (nigama) of the Sākiyans. The Buddha stayed there during his tours and preached to the monks on various topics (S.iii.5f; iv.124f; M.ii.214). According to the Commentaries (J.i.52; BuA.226; MA.ii.924, 1021, etc; ThigA.182) it was the city of the birth of the Buddha's mother and of Pajāpatī Gotamī and of their companions, who married the Sākiyans of Kapilavatthu.
The Lumbinīvana, where the Buddha was born, was near Devadaha. The name was originally that of a lake, so called either because kings held their sports in it (devā vuccanti rājāno tesam mangaladaho), or because it came into existence without human intervention, hence divine (sayañjāto vā so daho, tasmā pi Devadaho). The name was later transferred to the village near by. SA.ii.186; also MA.ii.810. Acc. to the Dulva (Rockhill, p.12), the city was founded by Sākiyans from Kapilavatthu, when they grew very numerous. The spot was pointed out by a deva, hence its name.
Suppabuddha of Devadaha was a contemporary of Suddhodana (p.14).
Devadaha was the residence of Devadaha Sakka (Mhv.ii.17; MT.87) and of Pakkha Thera (ThagA.i.114).
2. Devadaha.-A Sākiyan chief called Devadaha-Sakka.
His children were Añjana and Kaccānā. Māyā and Pajāpatī, respectively mother and step-mother of the Buddha, were daughters of Añjana. Mhv.ii.17; MT.87.