Devaka (adj.) ( -- ˚) [deva+ka] belonging or peculiar to the devas; only in sa˚ -- loka the world including the gods in general D i.62; Nd2 309; Sn 86 377, 443, 760 etc.; Miln 234. See also devamanussa -- loka.
devaka: a. 天
devaka mf(ikā)n. who or what sports or plays W.
• divine, celestial, id
• m. (div○) a god, deity (at the end of an adj. comp.) MBh. ii, 1396 &c. (cf. daivaka)
• N. of a man (?) RV. vii, 18, 20 Sāy.
• of a Gandharva (at once a prince, son of Āhuka and father of Devakī below MBh. i, 4480 ; v, 80 &c. Hariv. Pur.) [Page 495, Column 3]
• of a son of Yudhi-shṭhira and Yaudheyī or Pauravii (cf. ○vikā below) Pur.
• familiar N. for deva-dattaka Pāṇ. 5-3, 83 Pat.
• pl. N. of the Śūdras in Krauñca-dviipa BhP. v, 20, 22
• (ā), f. fam. for deva-dattikā Pāṇ. 7-3, 45 Vārtt. 4 Pat.
• (dévikā), f. N. of a class of goddesses of an inferior order Br. (pl. the oblations made to them, viz. to Anu-matī, Rākā, Sinīvalī, Kuhū, and to Dhātṛi TS.
• cf. -havis AitBr. Vait.)
• of the wife of Yudhishṭhira and mother of Yaudheya MBh. i, 3828
• of a river MBh. iii, 5044 (cf. dāvika)
• of a country VarBṛS. xi, 35
• the thorn-apple Bhpr.
• (devakī), f. below