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Dictionary Definition :

Dhaja.-One of the eight brahmins who recognised the signs at the Buddha's birth (J.i.56). The Milindapañha (p.236) speaks of him as one of the Buddha's first teachers.

Dictionary of Pali Proper Names, G P Malalasekera (1899-1973), which is available as printed version from

dhaja : [m.] a flag; emblem; symbol.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

Dhaja [Sk. dhvaja, cp. Ohg. tuoh "cloth" (fr. *dwōko)] a flag, banner; mark, emblem, sign, symbol Vin i.306 
(titthiya˚: outward signs of); ii.22 (gihi˚); S i.42; ii.280; A ii. 51; iii.84 sq. (panna˚); M i.139 (id.); A iii.149 (dhamma); J i.52 (+patākā); VvA 173 (id.); J i.65 (arahad ˚;)Th i.961; J v.49=Miln 221; J v.509; vi.499; Nd1 170; Vv 361, 6428 (subhāsita˚=dhamma˚ VvA 284); Dhs 1116, 1233; Vism 469 (+paṭȧka, in comparison); PvA 282; VvA 31, 73; Miln 21; Sdhp 428, 594. Cp. also panna.
   -- agga the top of a standard S i.219; A iii.89 sq.; Pug 67, 68; Vism 414 (˚paritta). -- ālu adorned with flags Th 1, 164=J ii.334 (: dhajasampanna Com.); -- āhaṭa won under or by the colours, taken as booty, captured Vin iii.139, 140; Vism 63. -- baddha captured (=˚āhaṭa) Vin i.74 (cora).

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
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