Dhaja.-One of the eight brahmins who recognised the signs at the Buddha's birth (J.i.56). The Milindapañha (p.236) speaks of him as one of the Buddha's first teachers.
dhaja : [m.] a flag; emblem; symbol.
Dhaja [Sk. dhvaja, cp. Ohg. tuoh "cloth" (fr. *dwōko)] a flag, banner; mark, emblem, sign, symbol Vin i.306
(titthiya˚: outward signs of); ii.22 (gihi˚); S i.42; ii.280; A ii. 51; iii.84 sq. (panna˚); M i.139 (id.); A iii.149 (dhamma); J i.52 (+patākā); VvA 173 (id.); J i.65 (arahad ˚;)Th i.961; J v.49=Miln 221; J v.509; vi.499; Nd1 170; Vv 361, 6428 (subhāsita˚=dhamma˚ VvA 284); Dhs 1116, 1233; Vism 469 (+paṭȧka, in comparison); PvA 282; VvA 31, 73; Miln 21; Sdhp 428, 594. Cp. also panna.
-- agga the top of a standard S i.219; A iii.89 sq.; Pug 67, 68; Vism 414 (˚paritta). -- ālu adorned with flags Th 1, 164=J ii.334 (: dhajasampanna Com.); -- āhaṭa won under or by the colours, taken as booty, captured Vin iii.139, 140; Vism 63. -- baddha captured (=˚āhaṭa) Vin i.74 (cora).