dhamani : [f.] a vein.
Dhamani (f.) [Sk. dhamani, to dhamati, orig. a tube for blowing, a tubular vessel, pipe] a vein Th 1, 408. Usually in cpd.: -- santhata strewn with veins, with veins showing, i. e. emaciated (: nimmaŋsa -- lohitatāya sirājālehi vitthatagatta PvA 68) Vin iii.110; J iv.371; v.69; Dh 395=Th 1, 243=Pv ii.113; Pv iv.101; DhA i.299, 367; iv.157; ThA 80. So also in Jain Pk. "kisa dhamaṇisaŋtata": Weber, Bhagavatī p. 289; cp. Lal. Vist. 226. -- Also as ˚santhatagatta (adj.) having veins showing all over the body for lack of flesh Vin i.55; iii.146; M ii.121; J i.346, ii.283; ThA 80.
dhamani: f. 靜脈
dhamáni f. the act of blowing or piping RV. ii, 11, 8
• (also ○nī) a pipe or tube, (esp.) a canal of the human body, any tubular vessel, as a vein, nerve
&c. AV. ChUp. MBh. Suśr. &c. (24 tṭtubular vessels starting from the heart or from the navel are supposed to carry the raca or chyle through the body)
• the throat, neck L.
• N. of Hrāda's wife (the mother of Vātāpi and Ilvala) BhP.
• (ī), f. a sort of perfume Bhpr.
• turmeric or Hemionitis Cordifolia L.