Dictionary Definition :
1. Dhammasena.-Son of the chaplain of Kannakujja. He later became the chief disciple of Phussa Buddha. Bu.xix.19; BuA.193; J.i.41.
2. Dhammasena.-The chief disciple of Mangala Buddha. He was a resident of Mekhala. Bu.xxii.23; BuA.120; J.i.41; Mtu. (i.248) calls him Dharmadeva.
3. Dhammasena Thera.-An arahant of Isipatana. He was present, with twelve thousand others, at Anurādhapura, at the foundation of the Mahā-Thūpa. Mhv.xxix.31; Dpv.xxix.5.
4. Dhammasena.-A monk of Ceylon of the thirteenth century. He translated a large part of the Dhammapada Commentary into Sinhalese, which work he called the Saddharmaratnāvalī. P.L.C.97.
Dictionary of Pali Proper Names, G P Malalasekera (1899-1973), which is available as printed version from