dhammuttarā, dhammuttarikā, dhammuttariyā
Dictionary Definition :
Dhammuttarā, Dhammuttarikā, Dhammuttariyā
A secondary division of the Vajjiputtakas (Mhv.v.7; Dpv.v.46; Mbv.97).
It is said (Rockhill: op cit., 184) that they are so called after their teacher, Dhammuttara.
Their fundamental doctrine is (Ibid., 194): in birth is ignorance, in the arresting of birth is the arresting of ignorance.
Dictionary of Pali Proper Names, G P Malalasekera (1899-1973), which is available as printed version from
dhaṃsana , dhaṃsati , dhaṃsin , dhamyamāna , dhamyat , dhammiya , dhammin , dhammillacaritra , dhammilla , dhammīkathā