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dhañña : [nt.] grain; corn. (adj.) fortunate; lucky.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

Dhañña1 (nt.) [Ved. dhānya, der. fr. dhana] grain, corn. The usual enumn comprises 7 sorts of grain, which is however not strictly confined to grain -- fruit proper ("corn") but includes, like other enumns, pulse & seeds. These 7 are sāli & vīhi (rice -- sorts), yava (barley), godhuma (wheat), kangu (millet), varaka (beans), kudrūsaka (?) Vin iv.264; Nd2 314; DA i.78. -- Nd2 314 distinguishes two oategories of dhañña: the natural (pubbaṇṇa) & the prepared (aparaṇṇa) kinds. To the first belong the 7 sorts, to the second belongs sūpeyya (curry). See also bīja -- bīja. -- Six sorts are mentioned at M i.57, viz. sāli, vīhi, mugga, māsa, tila, taṇḍula. <-> D i.5 (āmaka˚, q. v.); A ii.209 (id.); M i.180; A ii.32 (+dhana); Th 1, 531; Pug 58; DhA i.173; VvA 99; PvA 29 (dhanaŋ vā dh ˚ŋ vā), 198 (sāsapa -- tela -- missitaŋ), 278 (sappi -- madhu -- tela -- dhaññādīhi vohăraŋ katvā). -- dhaññaŋ ākirati to besprinkle a person with grain (for good luck) Pv iii.54 (=mangalaŋ karoti PvA 198, see also mangala).
   -- āgāra a store house for grain Vin i.240; -- piṭaka a basket full of grain DhA iii.370; -- rāsi a heap of g. A iv.163, 170; -- samavāpaka grain for sowing, not more & not less than necessary to produce grain M i.451.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

Dhañña2 (adj.) [Sk. dhānya, adj. to dhana or dhānya. Semantically cp. āḷhiya] "rich in corn," rich (see dhana); happy, fortunate, lucky. Often in combndhanadhañña. -- DhA i.171; iii.464 (dhaññādika one who is rich in grains etc., i. e. lucky); DhsA 116. -- dhaññapuñña -- lakkhaṇa a sign of future good fortune & merit PvA 161; as adj. endowed with the mark of . . . J vi.3. See also dhāniya.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

dhañña: n. 穀物

巴漢辭典 編者:(斗六) 廖文燦
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