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Dictionary Definition :

dhvajá m. (n. only Hariv. 9245 and g. ardharcâdi
• fr. 2. dhvaj) a banner, flag, standard (ifc. f. ā) RV. &c. &c
• a flag-staff W.
• mark, emblem, ensign, characteristic, sign MBh. Hariv.
• attribute of a deity (cf. makara-, vṛṣabha- &c.)
• the sign of any trade (esp. of a distillery or tavern) and the business there carried on Mn. iv, 85
• a distiller or vendor of spirituous liquors L.
• (ifc.) the ornament of (e.g. kula-dhvaja) L.
• the organ of generation (of any animal, male or female) Suśr. L. (cf. puṃ-, strī-)
• a skull carried on a staff (as a penance for the murder of a Brāhman W.
• as a mark of ascetics and Yogīs MW.)
• N. of a tree (= -vṛkṣa) Cat.
• a place prepared in a peculiar way for building L. (in pros.) an iambic
• (in Gr.) a partic. kind of Krama-pāṭha: (in astrol.) N. of a Yoga
• pride, arrogance, hypocrisy L.
• N. of a Grāma Pāṇ. 4-2, 109 Sch.

Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William
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