domanassa: lit. 'sad-mindedness', grief, i.e. mentally painful feeling (cetasika-vedanā), is one of the 5 feelings (vedanā, q.v.) and one of the 22 faculties (indriya, q.v.). According to the Abhidhamma, grief is always associated with antipathy and grudge, and therefore kammically unwholesome (akusala, q.v.) Cf. Tab. I. 30, 31.
domanassa : [nt.] displeasure; melancholy; grief.
Domanassa (nt.) [Sk. daurmanasya, duḥ+manas] dis- tress, dejectedness, melancholy, grief. As mental pain (cetasikaŋ asātaŋ cet. dukkhaŋ S v.209=Nd2 312; cp. D ii.306; Nett 12) opp. to dukkha physical pain: see dukkha B III. 1 a). A synonym of domanassaŋ is appaccaya (q. v.). For defn of the term see Vism 461, 504. The freq. combn dukkha -- domanassa refers to an unpleasant state of mind & body (see dukkha B III. 1 b; e. g. S iv.198; v.141; M ii.64; A i.157; It 89 etc.), the contrary of somanassaŋ with which dom˚ is combd to denote "happiness & unhappiness," joy & dejection, e. g. D iii.270; M ii.16; A i.163; Sn 67 (see somanassa). -- Vin i.34; D ii.278, 306; S iv.104, 188; v.349, 451; M i.48, 65, 313, 340; ii.51; iii.218; A i.39 (abhijjhā˚ covetousness & dejection, see abhijjhā); ii.5, 149 sq.; iii.99, 207; v.216 sq.; Sn 592, 1106; Pug 20, 59; Nett 12, 29 (citta -- sampīḷanaŋ d.) 53, Dhs 413, 421, 1389; Vbh 15, 54, 71, 138 sq.; Dh i.121.
-- indriya the faculty or disposition to feel grief D iii.239 (+som˚); S v.209 sq.; -- upavicāra discrimination of that which gives distress of mind D iii.245; -- patta dejected, disappointed J ii.155.
domanassa: n. 煩惱