Dictionary Definition :
dṛṃh or dṛh cl. 1. P. dṛ́ṃhati, to make firm, fix, strengthen RV. AV. VS. &c. (p. dṛṃhántam AV. xii, 29)
• Ā. ○te, to be firm or strong RV. &c. (trans. = P. only in dṛṃhéthe RV. vi, 67, 6, and dṛṃhāmahai ŚBr. ii, 1, 9)
• cl. 4. P. Ā. only Impf. dṛhya and ○hyasva, be strong RV.
• cl. 1. darhati, to grow Dhātup. xvii, 84 [Page 490, Column 2]
• pf. dadarha or dadṛṃha
• p. Ā. dādṛhāṇá, fixing, holding RV. i, 130, 4 ; iv, 26, 6
• fixed, firm, i, 85, 10
• aor. ádadṛhanta, they were fixed or firm, x, 82, 1: Caus. P. Ā. dṛṃhayati, ○te, to make firm, fix, establish AV. Kauś. Gobh.
Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William
dṛṃha , dṛṃhaṇa , dṛṃhita , dṛṃhitṛ , dṛmicaṇḍeśvara , dṛmbhū , dṛktulya , dṛkśruti , dṛksaṃgama , dṛkśakti